🐣 Let's make SOFT-BOILED EGG together!!! 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅 一起來做溏心蛋實驗吧!!!

Hello my Steemit friends, how is your weekend? In my previous food blog 🍜 Let’s eat RAMEN together 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅 週末一起去吃拉麵吧!, I gave EXTREMELY HIGH recommendation to the soft boiled egg which was served together with the ramen. So today I'm having a little experiment on making soft-boiled egg at home. Let's see if I'll succeed or not :PPP 

親愛的Steemit 好友,您們的周末過了怎麼了?在上一個food blog 🍜 Let’s eat RAMEN together 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅 週末一起去吃拉麵吧!,我真的 很喜歡 很喜歡 很喜歡 (很重要所以說三次 XP) 拉麵裡的溏心蛋,今天心血來潮,也趁著周末有空,我們一起來個自家製溏心蛋實驗吧!!!!

Ingredients needed 所需材料

  • Eggs (fresh ones)  雞蛋 (當然是要新鮮的喔!!) 
  • Vinegar 白醋
  • Needle (Don't be scared haha we will see what it is used for later)  一根針 (先別驚訝,它真的有用喔) 
  • Water  白開水
  • Iced water 冰水

Shall we begin? 😎事不宜遲,馬上開始︰

  1. Put the eggs in tap water for 5 min.  In this way, the temperature difference between the eggs and boiled water would be smaller such that the eggs would not crack so easily when bumping into boiled water.
    首先,從冰箱裡拿出雞蛋,並放在室温的水裡,放5分鐘,讓雞蛋的温度更貼近室温 這樣雞蛋和滾水的温度才不會相差太大,雞蛋比較不容易在煮的時候爆開 (我想是熱漲冷縮的原理?)

  2. Pin a hole at the top and the bottom of the eggs using the needle. Be super careful!! One small hole is fine and don't break the egg  
    在雞蛋兩端用針刺一個小孔,確保雞蛋不會被水壓壓破 (小心別刺得太深了!!!)

  3. Boil the water with the vinegar until you see some bubbles coming out. The vinegar can facilitate the condensation of the egg white in case it comes out of the egg shell during boiling  
    把白醋放在水裡,開火煮滾,有氣泡就是可以了 (白醋可以讓蛋白在漏出來時凝結得更好)

  4. Put the eggs into the water and keep boiling for 5 min. (Time is of the essence here :P) Keep swirling the egg while boiling to make sure the egg yolk  

  5. Turn off the heat BUT DON’T take out the eggs yet! Put a cover on the bowl and let it stand for 2 min.  

  6. Put the eggs into cold water or iced water until it gets completely cool  

  7. Carefully peel off the egg shell and ENJOY the soft-boiled eggs ^v^ BON APPETIT!!!  
    小心地剝開雞蛋,盡情享用您的溏心蛋  *v* 

How do you want your eggs? 雞蛋名字一覽表 

In restaurant, we often encounter the situation when the waiter asked “Sir/ Madam, how do you want your eggs?” Here is the answer:

Scrambled egg 炒蛋

  • Hard scrambled egg (cooked thoroughly) 全熟炒蛋 
  • Soft scrambled egg (half cooked) 半熟炒蛋 
  • Perfect scrambled egg (creamy soft scrambled) 半熟滑蛋 
  • Omelets (folded scrambled egg toppled with fillings like ham) 奄列   

Fried egg 煎蛋 

  • Sunny side up (fried egg only cooked on one side with runny yolk) 太陽蛋 (只煎一面的半熟蛋) 
  • Over easy (fried egg cooked on both sides with runny yolk) 有點像太陽蛋 (兩面都煎了的半熟蛋) 
  • Over medium (more cooked than Over easy and still with runny yolk) 比太陽蛋稍熟的 
  • Over hard (completely cooked fried egg) 全熟煎蛋  

Boiled egg 烚蛋 

  • Hard-boiled egg (cooked thoroughly) 全熟烚蛋 
  • Soft-boiled egg半熟烚蛋 (溏心蛋 :P) 
  • Poached (similar to Soft-boiled egg yet boiled without shell) 是溏心蛋的朋友,但整顆雞蛋不連殼放進水裡煮

Thank you so much for reading my food blog!!!! :DD

May I CHALLENGE you, my Steemit friends, to join this simple prizeless” haha soft-boiled egg experiment with me. Spare an afternoon, prepare the materials and make soft-boiled eggs for your beloved family and friends. Maybe you will find the simple happiness of life from it :) You may also upload the experiment onto STEEMIT and let us all have a feast together!!! 

很感謝大家看到這裡,我想挑戰正在閱讀的您們也來參與這個  沒有獎的 :P 溏心蛋實驗! 用一個下午,親手做一個溏心蛋給家人和朋友,重新發現生活中簡單的美好 :D 把您的溏心蛋也放到 STEEMIT上,大家一起大快朵頤!!!!!!! 

"Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness :)" -– Katherine Henson 




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