How to Make Your Own SOURDOUGH STARTER (Part 3)

If you are just joining us, be sure to check out part 1 and part 2.

We're making sourdough bread, all the way from catching wild yeast to pulling a wonderful, rustic loaf out of the oven! So, after leaving our mixture of water and flour out to ferment for the past two days, let's see if the third day gives us any signs of life...

And the result? Throw back your head and give your best mad scientist cackle, because the signs that this fledgling starter show prove that IT'S ALIIIIIVEEEEE BWAHAHAHAHA!

If you are starting a starter and it doesn't show signs of life by day three....don't worry! This process can take up to a week. Just keep reducing by half and feeding it daily to build up its strength!

When you do see signs of life, then take heart--your bread is arriving soon! Keep reducing by half and feeding every day. You will know that your sourdough starter is ready to make bread when it smells good, shows bubbles, and grows in size after being fed (look at it after four hours to see if the batter has risen).

We'll be making bread with our next video. For all of you who have been searching for a perfect loaf of chewy, hearty, crusty whole-wheat bread, hang on for the ride!

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