Let's go to TEA RESTAURANT in Hong Kong together!!! 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅【一起去吃正宗港式茶餐廳吧!!!】 by @shirlam

This article was written by @shirlam / 本文由 @shirlam 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:

Hello my Steemit friends, this is @Shirlam the Foodie. First of all, THANK YOU @someone for posting this blog so that I have the chance to meet all of you!! 😉

親愛的Steemit 好友,這是 吃貨 @Shirlam,首先要謝謝 @someone 願意發表我的文章,我才有機會跟您們交流!!! 😉

As a local Hong Kong-er, I really hope to let you all know more about this place, especially the yummy food here! With its second name as the “Food Paradise” , Hong Kong will never disappoint you. Today I’d like to bring all my Steemit friends to this local Tea Restaurant – “Gala Café” located in Tsuen Wan.

作為一個土生土長的香港人,我真的很希望讓大家更認識香港,尤其是這𥚃的美食 喔!!!! 香港有「美食天堂」之稱,一定不會讓大家失望!! 今天要帶大家去的地方就是很地道的港式茶餐廳 ── 嘉樂冰廳 (荃灣) 😋

About Gala Café 關於嘉樂冰廳

Gala Café is a famous Tea Restaurant in Hong Kong. Every day, it attracts a lot of “foodies” (just like me) to have a taste of the Hong Kong Tea Restaurant culture.

嘉樂冰廳在香港是一家很有名的傳統「茶記」(茶餐廳的俗稱),每天都吸引很多 像我一樣的 吃貨慕名而來,品嚐一下香港的茶餐廳文化!

When I arrived there at noon, there were already 6 – 7 people queuing up outside.

Gala Cafe can only serve around 30 people at one time and the seats were never spacious. Yet, it preserves a very genuine setup of a Tea Restaurant in the 90s.

What have I ordered? 我點了甚麼?

  • Beef sandwich with eggs 鹹牛肉蛋三明治

    The sandwich contains soft scrambled eggs and salty minced beef, which is a perfect match!! The bread is toasted on both sides, giving it a crispy texture. Each and every bite of it tastes like heaven (no exaggerating!).
    三明治裡面夾著半熟炒蛋和鹹牛肉碎,簡直是完美組合!! 麵包兩面都有烘底 (點餐時可以先點烘底),入口脆脆的,每一口都是天堂的味道 (真的沒有誇張)!!!

  • Chicken wing rice noodles 雞翼湯河粉

    Apart from having tea here, you can always have a quick lunch here!! The chicken wings are marinaded with soya sauce and tastes really fresh. The portion is quite enough for me as lunch also.
    除了在茶餐廳吃下午茶,你還可以在這裡吃一個簡單快捷的午餐呢 😜 雞翼先以醬汁醃製,而且十分新鮮,光看買相已經令我口水直流。它的份量也挺大,也可以作我的午餐。

  • Red bean cooler 紅豆冰

    This drink consists of the upper milk layer and the lower red bean layer.
    It also gives you the satisfying feeling when you try to mix the milk on top with the red bean!!

“Tea Restaurant” Culture in Hong Kong

Tea Restaurant is a by-product of the Western restaurant in Hong Kong during the colonial period. People developed this kind of cuisine which was way cheaper than a formal Western restaurant; yet preserving the way of cooking with cheaper food, such as toast and omelet.


In order to suit with the needs of the society, people brought in more variation to a Tea Restaurant. New food and drinks emerged, such as “coffee with milk tea”, instant noodles and red bean cooler. This best shows localization in the Hong Kong society.


From a Tea restaurant, we can observe a lot of characteristics of Hong Kong-ers:
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