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Fermentation. The process behind a loaf of bread or a glass of wine. An ancient practice, that seems quasi-mystical to beginners and experts alike. There are many benefits behind fermentation, especially in an age that favours antibiotics to treat illness. Bacteria is often thought of as harmful, but there are also beneficial bacteria that can counter illness and maintain health. Fermented foods, also known as probiotic food,make these forms of bacteria available to us. A person with diverse gut bacteria has better immunity to diseases and is healthier in general. This doesn't mean that fermentation is a cure to all ailments, but can still be beneficial over time.
So, how does one go about starting their fermentation adventures? I was lucky to attend sessions conducted by Mr. Sandor Katz, an expert in the field. Using my notes from those sessions I compiled a brief guide on the basics of fermentation which I've included here.
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I hope this guide was helpful and will enable you to start your own fermentation adventures.
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