Light-and-Fluffy GLUTEN-FREE SCONES (Sugar-Free, Original Recipe)

After posting my Spelt & Almond Scone Stars last week I had a few people asking about gluten-free and vegan scone recipes.  Whilst I'm yet to experiment with a vegan version, I can now happily share with you a gluten-free recipe!

Thankfully I keep a few different gluten-free flours to hand in my baking cupboard, as my Dad is coeliac and I bake goodies when he comes to visit.  My favourite GF flours are coconut (for its sweetness) and tapioca (for its versatility), but in this instance I used a brand (Doves Farm) that consists of a mixture of rice, potato, tapioca, maize and buckwheat.

The scones are beautiful.  I have to add extra egg to bind the mixture, as GF flours are so fine and can crumble away to nothing once baked unless they are sufficiently 'bound' (is that the correct term?!)  These did not crumble or even break... I am so happy with the result.  They rise wonderfully, and the texture is light and scone-y, exactly how you'd want them.  You can see below they slice very nicely.


600g gluten-free flour

175g butter

1 tsp gluten-free baking soda

5 free-range eggs

Whole milk (approx 100ml)

I see no reason for adding sugar to scones, as you can make them sweet with honey or jam if you want to, or you can eat them savoury with just butter, cheese, or whatever you like!  


In a large bowl rub the butter into the flour using your fingertips until the mixture resembles 'fluffy breadcrumbs'.

Add the baking soda, eggs and milk, and mix thoroughly (I just use my hand... I love how it squelches between my fingers!).

Transfer the dough onto a floured surface and, using floured hands, gently shape the dough into a smooth ball-shape.  Try not to over-handle too much.  Look at that dough... beautiful.

Roll the dough out to about 1.5 inch thick, and cut into rounds using a pastry cutter.

Place onto a lightly-floured baking tray, and pop into a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes until firm to touch and golden-looking.

For all kinds of health information, tips, recipes (vegan/vegetarian), crafts, photography, and more, please follow me!

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("5 Cs" shared with kind permission from @kiwideb)

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