The strange condition - my try at the foxtales competition

This is my entry for @vermillionfox's competition Foxtales. You can see the details here:


The drawing from which you have to write the one paragraph story.

The strange condition

The bookshelves of the little library suddenly seemed dim and transparent. She was having another attack of that strange condition. Last time was yesterday at the sermon. Dr. Stephen, the large redheaded pastor that she admired so much for his determined stance against sin, had been shouting his blessed words and suddenly it was as if the whole room and the entire congregation became like dark glass. Only the agitated preacher was not affected. She remembered how Dr. Stephen had been almost glowing and she had been scared and violently attracted to him. Both things at the same time. She looked around in the library and there it was! One book that was not affected by the condition. Just like the pastor. Even though it was placed between two other books she could see the frontpage. »What a strange title,« she thought, »who would call a book, Story of O?«

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