FoxTales #7: A Suspect Calls

This is my entry for FoxTales contest week #7 :)

She creates a story image and contestants will write a story based on it.


It was a case like no other, but to a private eye like me, no two cases are ever the same. The rain was pouring down like all the clouds were being squeezed out with no signs of ever stopping. I looked outside the coffee shop window, waiting for the suspect to arrive. "Whoever you are, I'm gonna catch you this time" I said to myself as I took a sip from my beverage. Then I saw something move beneath the curtains of rain. She walked into that telephone booth like a cat walked between rails, hair cut short and lips stained red, just like how a model like her should look. She had that certain air around her - like she was untouchable - as I watched her reach for the handset and dialed a number. My phone rang and a light smirk appeared on her stained lips. "It's been a while, detective."

If you liked what you read, you can also check my other entries too (from previous weeks) :)
Morning After The Confession
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
The Trapped

or you can read other entries from other contestants on @vermillionfox's blog :)

Let loose your writing creativity and join the contest too :)

A pinch of Drawing, A dash Photography, and a hint of Writing
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