Week #19 Foxtales Contest: Overdose

“How could you do this to me?” Christine slurred, after her umpteenth Gin and Tonic. She had stumbled across Ted and Nicola (her best friend) comfortably meshed together in the out building earlier that day – now she was trying to erase those images seared in her mind. “You should stop the G&T now”, he tried to reason with her. “Why don’t you have some”, she hurled a half full glass at him – it shattered on the wall behind him. “Just get out,” she shrilled, “Just get out,’ she followed it up with less powerful attempt, as if the first had completely drained her. Christine couldn’t stomach Ted’s presence right now. Ted left, not wanting to antagonise her any further. No sooner had Ted left when the vacuum of loneliness engulfed her; at least she had someone to rant at - now there was just silence and pain. “I don’t want to be here” she uttered to herself in her stupor. She made her way to the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet and fumbled for the sleeping pills; emptied the contents of the container into the palm of her hand took them – washing it down with the contents of the glass. Christine stared at herself in the mirror with a smidgen of remorse, while supporting herself on the basin. She felt her eye lids become heavy and unable to support herself – interrupted suddenly by a violent convulsion sending her crashing to the floor. There were five more spasms in quick succession and Christine went still...



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