Brussels, Belgium Steemit Meetup #2

Capture d’écran 2017-08-14 à 12.33.57.png

Hello, Hallo, Bonjour !
The Second Steemit Meetup is approaching.

When ?

You will have to decide it !

For that, please, just follow the Doodle link (complete it with your nickname, so I can easily find you on Steemit or Busy Chat) and let's find the date where a maximum of belgian people can join !

Where ?

Depending the date we will chose, we can go in one of my fav' pub in Brussels, The Delirium Cafe. And as proud belgian people, we will have a beer (or two, or three :-D). We also can go in a quiter place, Le Goupil Le Fol or just meet in a park where we can have a pic-nic together.

So, who is joining this time ?

& Spread the word to all the Belgian Steemian you know !

& Look at the video of the first Meetup ! Look how cute we are. And very friendly.

Ps: Why this post is writing in english ? Because in Belgium we have 3 nationals languages and everybody is welcome !

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Et n'hésite pas à jeter un oeil sur mon profil perso @malik.roxane, où je te raconte #maviedeblogueuse.

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