The (almost) Daily Pick of Hidden Gems - FRENCH Edition #2

OH LA LA !! This is the (almost) Daily Pick of Hidden Gems - FRENCH edition #2


Salut bande de graisseux, cabaret dancers, and pain au chocolat enthusiasts: Oui, c'est le Numero 2 ! (Dear English reader, please pronounce: "Noo-may-raw doo")

Following the MASSIVE success of the 1st edition, I decided to follow Corneille's wise words, and to continue promoting the French culture and language here on Steemit.

“A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire”
To win without risk is a triumph without glory (Corneille.)

So... let's take some risks... ecstatic behind the computer, safely attached to the coach, and maximizing focus thanks to the TV in the background... (but not too loud).

For those who did not follow the 1st episode: ,
Thanks to the invitation of @dragonslayer109, the famous Hidden Gems Newsletter now gets a French version.
In the following weeks, I will help the team to promote France, French and French-speaking countries articles: So, if you are French, Swiss, Belgian, or simply if you write about these countries... please TAG your articles with FR, and contact me on the steemit-chat ("sebastien").

DISCLAIMER: No snail was eaten during the realization of this newsletter.

1- What is the BEST city to live in?



A difficult question. And if you plan to leave the country after Trumps's election, you'd better have some clues to get an answer fast. (being the 1st will avoid you the long queues of US immigrants trying to enter these new safe heavens). French speaking author @katyakov found an interesting article in the economist and made us a cool summary. (which is worth reading because access to the full study requires that you give your email).
I will not give you the answer regarding the BEST city, but paradoxically, this ultimate city is in "the country that tries to kill you"...
On the other side (of the world), Paris is among the biggest decliners this year...


2- How the French burka ban affects us all.



A new fashion recently hit the french beaches, and it is quite far away from Brigitte Bardot's legacy....
The Author expresses an interesting point of view and concludes asking a legitimate question:
When you can’t even wear what you wish, something so simple, what other freedoms do you think government can take away from you to “keep you safe” and “promote social cohesion”?

I sincerely hope that his article will generate reactions and comments. It's worth it.


3- Autumn in Normandie - continued



3rd part of a story about beautiful Normandy: Autumn arrived in Normandy, with its light rain and very distinct romantic atmosphere. Read this article to get this early-autumn feeling.
Most of the pictures there are gorgeous and could easily feature in the #steemitphotochallenge .

Be sure to read the previous posts made by the author:

English | Russian | German | Spanish | French
------------ | -------------
@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

English by @dragonslayer109

Russian by @serejandmyself

German by @knozaki2015

Spanish by @webosfritos

FOOTNOTE: Assuming this post makes a relative amount of revenues, 100% of the SBD will be transferred to the featured authors.
Please follow these authors if you enjoyed their posts !

Follow me if you like (or not) France, crepes, cocks (the animal of course), and 2nd degree jokes!

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