I Finally Forgot About Facebook, Thanks To Steemit

Rewind few years ago, Facebook was the social media monopoly king ( and remain so with regard to selfies, gossips, political fake news ) where many business owners like myself advertise, connect (before Linkedin ) and lost to ever increasing greed of the platform –which is requesting more advertisement money however ready to censor and delete what they think is unfit. Most worryingly, is that non business customers who used money to build their following base, however have to pay money in order to reach their followers. This is a case of extreme capitalist greed which is wealth maximization or shareholders wealth maximization in this case.
However will people be blinded forever? Here are some few points:

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Mature conversation: I forgot Facebook because most contacts share only issues relating to them like babies, birthday, gossips and selfies (see here for example –in search of likes or who ignored them. Steemit , on the other hand, is different because the conversations here are more mature and business like where people tend to have more self-respect to themselves and others. Moreover, there are many great communities to join at steemit and network with great people, make friends and learn from them.

New opportunities: Steemit is still at its infancy (many rooms to grow) however there are many top business opportunities shared here daily –especially with regard to good cryptocurrencies. One good example is the one I invested : Ethereum Lyte (Elyte) with 1M total supply and far less circulation, top project and team see www.elyte.io (see whitelist section of https://main.elyte.biz/?page_id=433 for their current crowdsale and join their telegram community: https://t.me/joinchat/E6tXj0dThqzzjVlWJRuxLw )

Financial reward: Facebook has ruined many people financially because of hours spent there without earning nothing (except few that command millions of followers). Steemit, on the other hand, has been a blessing to many people around the world-irrespective of religion, creed, race , sex, status and geography. This is evidence in testimonies of many African members- especially Nigerians (see Nigerian tag for example). This shows that, you can make it at steemit even if you are broke-you just need a laptop (or even smart phone), internet and willingness to work hard and smart.

Conclusion: Steemit aim is not to take over Facebook, rather to appeal to mature and intelligent segments of the blogging and business communities who are tired of the censorship nature of Facebook –including unintelligent posts there. On the other hand, we still need Facebook to take care of the baby photo sharing, selfies , political jingoism and fake news .

Do you agree? now is your turn, send in your comments, would you upvote and resteem in order to send in your support.

See my former post: Is Steemit , Face Book, Tweeter , Instagram (social media ) full of Fools

Use the below link to join the next best thing: Ethereum lyte via their current bounty-see link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScf9ORCo55gpLT9kIJA2kjR0ugWUeT5lDQg9GPgZ6RlW2Nc4A/viewform fill out the form and join the next opportunity in the crypto space.
Ethereum lyte (Elyte) is the next best thing. Offering just 1m tokens as total supply with far less circulation supply, top visible team see https://www.elyte.biz/ , excellent and innovative product plus deflationary nature ie token- therefore early adopters of Elyte are already smiling as they see bright future in their investments because price has shot up over 3K% since inception just 4 weeks ago even as they are yet to be listed on Coin market cap (coming soon). Therefore , we decide to give out this social media bounty in order to share tour tokens to the masses who appreciates the ingenuity of elyte.

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