What is the True Meaning of Freedom

Many of us knowingly or unknowingly are self-made prisoners and secretly dying in pain due to micro or macro environmental factors and thus desire freedom at any cost. What does freedom really mean? In fact the true meaning of freedom is highly contested and for the purpose of this article, I will define freedom according to Dr Shrirang Bakhle : Freedom basically means fulfilling the desires we want – while giving up the wishes we don’t mind giving up  

With regard to the above definition, we can figure out things to do or avoid in order achieving freedom - below are some few points that will help:

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  • Abusive relationships: many of us stay too long in abusive relationship either  via family/ marriage or friendship due to fear of being alone. In reality, it is very difficult to change an abusive soul so the best thing to do is to free yourself from such person because being alone is far better than being killed by an abusive partner. The good thing, however, is that a new beginning will always  open for you if you close the old one. 
  • Abusive Job / Career : have you ever done a job that you don’t enjoy and just because of getting some money to pay your bills? Many of us would love to focus full time on what we love doing however economic situation might make us to do otherwise. The important thing, is to work hard and try free yourself from the abusive job.  @teamsteem and most recently @ericvancewalton have always wanted to be free from their job and focus 100% on what they love for example their writing careers at steemit and have to make the decision to quite their job in order to do what they love which in return will lead to their freedom. This also relates to freedom from unwanted studies or careers.
  • Freedom from Sickness / Addiction : changing our addictive life style (see my former post :  Reasons Why Many People Fail ) , eliminating negative thinking / energy and  doing more outdoor activities like sports / eating healthy natural foods -  (examples @quinneaker , @papa-pepper , @saramiller , @gardenofeden  and @amy-goodrich  plus others not mentioned here) will help us live a more healthier life and thus be free from sickness and addiction. 
  • Governmental Control: Some control freak governments can make life very difficult for a person therefore the best thing to do is to free yourself from them by voting them out of office or  moving to a country that respect and shares your values. Remember that the world is too big and there will always be a place and people that will welcome you. 
  • Debt : One of the worst thing in someone life is to be in debt because you will never feel free especially if you constantly get mails , telephone threats and knock on your door due to the money you owe. Therefore freedom from debt is crucial to being free . The good news , is that good crypto´s and  steemit allows us to earn money online which  help in taking care of our financial needs.

Do you agree with the points raised here? Now is your turn to indicate the true meaning of freedom.Send in your comments and please would you up vote my post in order to send in your support, click follow in order to see future posts from me on your feed and resteem in order to share this post with your followers. 

Pls see my former post:   Reasons Why Many People Fail

 For those who want to be an investor in Bitcoin wallet see X coins link: https://xcoins.io/investors?r=v93e2z   

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