Reasons Why Many People Fail

Failure is part of human nature and not all that bad especially if we can learn from it. However in our modern society, most people depend on governments for their daily survival-examples food (need for handouts, food stamps etc) , medical insurance , schools , hospitals etc and when most people get all these from their government, you notice that they are still not happy and the reason is that something is missing. In this post, I will therefore, discuss about some of the underlying factors (feel free to add more points via the comment section).

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  • Failed Parenting Strategy: there is nothing wrong with parents loving their children (it is natural and good) however, over pampering , making a child feel always special even if the child is failing at school and among peers can have a bad effect later in life. Moreover, some children start smoking due to seeing their parents smoke at home (like normal family thing). Worryingly, mobile phones and video games are popular gifts for children than great books and holiday adventures in children parks-therefore when the children grow up they will find out that they are not special because there is no mum & dad to help them (cook, wash cloths, praise /  spoil them etc) and they cannot just get something because they want it which mostly result to failure. This type of failure is caused by bad parenting.
  • Impatience: We live in a fast evolving and digital world with its upside and limitations. Example, if you want to buy something, you just go to amazon or eBay and order the thing fast and you get it the next day. Furthermore, If we need a partner (relationship or just for sex)  we just go to special websites and get what we want …this has led to many young people missing that social skills of relationship socializing , leading to failure in relationships (including at work) because there is no app that can lead to success in family and work life. Therefore, impatience lead most people to depression, suicide, drugs, alcohol, dropping out because of feeling that they are not making any positive impact. Thus what many people need to learn is patience in life, relationship, work etc. 
  • Technology : we live in a highly technological world which has made it difficult for our normal social lives . Facebook, for example, has made many people to have more visual friends than real life friends. The reason is the good feeling we have in engaging in social media especially when we get likes, upvotes and new friends, we feel good due to the release of a chemical called dopamine in our brain. In some cases, some people send the same hello message to 50 of their Whatsapp contacts in order to get some good response  and when they get dislike, downvote or someone unfriend them , they feel very bad. The relationship with this type of addiction and addiction from smoking, alcohol , drugs and gambling is that the same type of chemical Dopamine plays a great role in feeling good which leads to addiction. Important thing to note is that technology is not bad ,what is bad is children being allowed to use smart phones and social media as companion when they are growing (still emotionally and mentally fragile)  because they will always abuse it- for example chatting during meal, not interacting with family members due to constant chatting on social media , and reduction in outdoor activities due to video games  and smart phones-leading to failure at school and social life.                                                
  • Environment : Most kids that have no social , communication and community life experience face a more difficult situation in the business or corporate world. Reason is that our corporate world cares more of the numbers (financial growth) than human emotions or life- leading to many people not being able to succeed at work. In some cases, people do go to business meetings (or dinner with friends ) with their mobile phones and constantly checking on messages-forgetting that they can build a better relationship through genuine human interaction and showing personal interest in their fellow human beings.

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