Traitor or Whistleblower?
After leaving Hawaii in May 2013, Edward Snowden leaked NSA documents to journalist Glenn Greenwald in Hong Kong. A Booz Allen Hamilton, as a systems analyst contracted to the NSA, a mention of Snowden guarantees strong emotions.
Fellow Steemians, weigh in on Edward Snowden, in the comments section.
Edward Snowden image from Wikipedia
I used to work for the government.
Now I work for the public.
Director at @FreedomofPress.
Edward Snowden's Twitter Verified account bio.
We don't have to give up liberty to have security
Edward Snowden
- Is Edward Snowden merely another whistleblower?
- Was there any other way that Snowden could have blown the whistle?
- Is Snowden a patriot?
- Has Snowden ripped open the veil of the surveillance state?
- Should Snowden be pardoned?
Right & wrong is a different standard from legal & illegal
Edward Snowden
- Did Snowden commit treason? Legal treason? Moral treason?
- Was Snowden's revelation of intelligence plumbing, intelligence collection, & clandestine data mining treasonous?
- Was Snowden a "Spy or A Useful Idiot Savant?"
- How much of his oath did Snowden break?
Most Americans don't want freedom; they want security
Edward Snowden
Did his NSA actions advance the freedom of the press?
Has Snowden made the internet more free for all of us?
Snowden's Twitter bio imageThe public interest is not the national interest. Edward Snowden
Was "Enemy of the State (1998)" a prophecy or a fact?
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