PART 2.1: Disconnection: Transhumanism, A.I & Synthetic Reality

This is the 2.1 of a four part project. If you missed the first part and 2.0 then its best to read them them in order, the links are at the bottom of this post.

Historic Mind Control

The historical drugging of troops and even the death of civilians throughout numerous clandestine drug trials and mind control programmes are well documented. Throughout the 1950's, 60’s and 70’s there were an array of mind control programmes operating throughout the UK, Europe and the USA. Monarch Mind Control & Mk Ultra are just the tip of the iceberg and this is all documented, Bill Clinton himself even offered a public apology and records are listed on the governments own websites.

Does anyone seriously think they just went away and forgot all of this? No they simply moved away from the drugs and into flicker rates on T’Vs, lightbulbs, microwave and wi-fi technology and now it’s being refined to the level I’ve discussed in these posts. The funny thing is somewhere along the way we’ve been trained to think it’s the people that notice this that are a little crazy and not the ones doing it, even when there is a multitude of evidence to support the reality

Smart Dust

Now for the most part many aspects of this potentially nefarious surveillance tool are going unreported. But if anything in this fast paced world of technology should stop us in our tracks and make us question of rights of privacy, self determination and health then it’s smart dust.

Smart Dust is itself a buzzword for microelectromechanicalsystems (MEMS). Smart dust is the brainchild of Professor Kris Pister and is a concept taken up by Darpa some six years ago. DARPA stands for Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency. Now I won’t spend too long discussing Darpa as most people are aware of them plus there is lots of information on the net regarding this agency. But basically they were started in 1957 as a response to Russia’s launch of the Sputnik Satellite system. They have since worked on many black book projects including: mind manipulation, electronic telepathy, brain chips, the super soldier programme, robotics and a multitude of other deep research.

Alongside Professor Pister, Darpa has been working towards a goal of infusing this dust with a multitude of high tech surveillance technologies. These MEMS can detect light, temperature, vibration, magnetism and chemical components.


The Rand Corporation

Another key projenitor of smart dust technology is the Rand Corporation. The Rand Corporation has previously been called “the think tank that controls America”. Indeed the title character in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove was based upon Rand’s military strategist Herman Khan. The Rand Corporation has been at the forefront of Government strategy for at least a generation. Including strategies for Nuclear war, war with China and population control. An interesting aside is the fact that they have also published several papers regarding the use of both Chemtrail and weather manipulation technology.

Smart Dust Health Concerns

This is still a relatively new technology so any potential detrimental health effects have yet to be actively studied. Although worthy of note is the fact several scientific studies have expressed concern regarding the deep inhalation of Nano particles and their potential to damage our lungs, metabolism, internal organs and DNA.



Apart from these health concerns the genuinely frightening potential this technology poses for surveillance, privacy, and population control are legion. Imagine a future world where every plant, tree, animal and human are all linked and monitored by smart dust. The smart dust is itself linked to a quantum computer system with a processing power the likes of which we can barely imagine.

Within the confines and abilities of this technology there exists the potential to literally turn our brains and bodies into neural transmitters, enable precise recording of nerve activity, track your location, control the central nervous system, control mood, monitor brain activity and potentially thought itself. The ultimate goal of Smart Dust is to monitor both ourselves and the world, in real time! smart dust, smart phones, smart cars, smart roads, smart cities, can you see where this is going? Who are the smart ones? Certainly not humanity if we allow this insidious technological prison to be built around us!

As for two of the main players, Darpa & the Rand Corporation. Can anyone seriously tell me they trust these guys with this level of control over our lives? I don’t.

Transhumansim & A.I

The internet of things, smart dust, and 5G collect a multitude of information relating to ourselves and every aspect of our environment. Indeed they are the physical representation of the machine, a machine that could soon be one mind, the A.I hive mind.


As with all the technology I’ve recently discussed Transhumanism can offer a multitude of benefits. It can help the blind see and the paralysed walk, but like all technology it has a dual purpose and a backdoor. Do you want a backdoor into your body and mind? There is always a trade and what technology gives with one hand it takes with the other.

Becoming Our Own Gods & Living Forever

Alongside the physical benefits regarding many aspects of Transhumanism there are others that have been running parallel to these concepts. The promise to become our own Gods with Godlike intelligence and processing powers. Eventually the ability to not only prolong life but to also transcend death by uploading our consciousness to a cloud based artificial hive mind and “live forever” (the synthetic soul).

Welcome To The Singularity

Obviously to achieve this Transhumanist extension of life and digital nirvana there will again be a pay off. As I’ve shown throughout this second chapter with each advancement in technology the pay offs seem to be increasing. It’s my belief that the final pay off will be to relinquish free thought and the potential imprisonment of the soul.

Synthetic Reality

I’ve come to think that the end game will be the creation of a synthetic, controlled sub reality with power crazed technocratic elite's positioned as our Gods. As crazy as this may sound if we ever reach this moment of singularity I feel that this is an entirely logical conclusion. I’ve come to this assumption from observing the hierarchical nature of human civilisation. And if you view it from that perspective, do you really want to be living at the lower echelons of technological control grid run by the psychopaths that seek to rule this world? This potential future would categorically not be a level playing field.

Hijacking The Brain

When the futurist and Google executive Ray Kurzwell spoke in 2015 he proclaimed that “human brains could be connected to the cloud by 2030”. It was also Kurzwell that said “Our thoughts will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking”. Personally I believe this is just a stepping stone, in reality this is about hijacking the human mind. Our brains hijacked to the point that we are devoid of any original thought and indeed humanity.

This is not about making us superhuman but subhuman, the end of free thought, love and expression. A future where every facet of our lives, our monetary systems, our law courts, political decisions and even our thoughts will be influenced by an A.I hive mind. Relegating us to cogs in the machine, to bystanders, without the brain capacity to fully object. The funny thing is (much like they do with the latest iphone releases) I can imagine people sleeping outside shops in their race to become connected.


I believe this technology has the potential to become a false representation of our perceptual awareness. A contrived, controlled synthetic manifestation of the laws of nature and the interconnected truth of reality. Transhumanism and A.I could become a prison for the mind and the uploading of your consciousness will offer the false hope of eternal life within a virtual soul. Mind, Body and Soul.

This has been a glimpse at a possible future, but nothing is set in stone and the world is ours to lose. There are far more good people than there are bad, and the world is still a beautiful and magical place. I also have a great belief in the cyclical nature of vibrational energy, life and renaissance, indeed it’s always darkest before dawn. These are the dying gasps of a power crazed dark elite, desperately trying to hold onto the vestiges of a disappearing veneer of control.

Reality is a dance of balance and energy, the need to control/dominate and consume will eventually swing the fundamental nature of natural law out of balance. We upset the scales of this law at our peril, but nothing lasts forever. The history of humanity is being made around us, which side of it we're on is our decision to make. But at the end of the darkest of nights the sun will rise, sending the shadows fleeing the purity of it's rays and thus will begin the climb to rennaissance. The seeds of control sow the seedlings of freedom.

If you feel my words worthy of an upvote or resteem that will be humbly appreciated.

Part 3/4 coming soon

Part One: @perceptualflaws/time-cycles-precession-and-the-schuman-resonance
Part 2.0: @perceptualflaws/part-2-0-disconnection-the-control-grid-and-synthetic-reconnection



Written by perceptualflaws
Videos taken from youtube
Gifs courtesy of
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

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