What Is Holding Me Back From Feeling More Free?

Hello steemitian, welcome to my post and here I want to express my feeling with you.

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As we all know that we all have some fear and sometimes responsibly that actually stop us to do want we want.

  • As same I also have some strong emotions that stop me move forward. As it's not easy to talk about our weekness because we also don't want to accept it.
  • As if I talk about my nature I am a very shy person so it's not easy for me expressing myself in front of audience or to do an interaction with other. This is one reason that always make me feel embarrassed. If we are leaving in community we have to be interactive and I know it but it's not happening with me. I don't know why? But sometimes I think may be it's my nature but same time I also think no one in my family is like that, so why I am like that. Sometimes it's not easy to give answer of every question and every why.
  • But because of a contest conducted by @sagescrub, I am here expressing my thoughts and emotions with you, and also for the very first time express my weekness to public. Thanks for giving me this opportunity to know myself Once again.
    If you do want to take part in this contest you may visit to this link I shared below...

Thanks to everyone, to read my blog and for your support. Thanks a lot.

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