An Old Steemians Home Christmas Eve

This is a continuation of my friend @omra-sky 's hilarious story. Please click on the photo and give it a read. Be prepared to laugh! Merry Christmas @omra-sky! Thank you for the laughs!

The Old Steemians Home by @omra-sky

It was a cloudy Christmas Eve at The Old Steemians Home. A soft glow was emanating from a window. Inside, a group of people were gathered, enjoying the peace...

"What's wrong with all of you?" demanded @Omra-sky as the Old Steemians sat by the Christmas tree, eating @Jeezzle 's cookies that he'd left out for 'visitors'. "Didn't you hear the thumps?"

@Simgirl paused in singing her carol as @Snook looked up from her redesign of Santa's workshop, smiled beatifically, and chirped "Nope!". Then she went back to lining up the candy cane conveyor belt as her sock puppet resumed the lovely song.

@Brisby tilted her head towards @Felt.Buzz, who was busy felting a beaver elf, "I've been at this window all night. I haven't seen anything." She looked down at Felt.Buzz's creation, "Have you ever made a squirrel?" she asked, smiling.

Omra-Sky stood, cookie in hand, "Let's look! You'll see! Reindeer bots leave prints in the snow."

The group rose grudgingly, not eager to leave the warmth of the living room. As they entered the hall, a loud Thump and Thud was heard from the back of the home. They all stopped, not moving an eyelash, ears perked and alert.

Clatter Jingle Thump

Quickly, the group rushed through to the kitchen. "Elf bots. It has to be elf bots." Omra-Sky muttered to @MarianneWest.

MarianneWest simply replied "ducks". He took that to be her prompt for the day.

As Jeezzle's hand touched the doorknob, the basement door flew open behind the group, startling them and making Snook swear, which set off a fit of giggles in Simgirl.

At the top of the basement stairs, @F3nix paused and then threw open his arms, "My friends! How good of you to visit me in the cellar! Long have I waited to show you my excellent collection of..." The door slammed shut in his face. MarianneWest's head shook and she pronounced, "Butterflies!"

Trip outside forgotten, the group returned to the living room. One by one, each stopped and gasped in the doorway. The additions to the room, and under the Christmas tree, left them all speechless.

From the corner of his eye, a bright flash from a window caught Omra-Sky's attention. He looked up at the silvery moon, saw the shadow of a sleigh and its rider, and whispered in wonder, "Santa Bot!"

This went longer than 5 minutes, but I didn't want to stop.

My Recent Freewrites

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For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - Flash by @mariannewest.
Thank you for all that you do Marianne!

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I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas! If you don't celebrate the holiday, then I hope that you have a fantastic day filled with laughter and the company of loved ones!

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