Doubt & Faith - 5 Minute Freewrite (Day 60)

Doubt and Faith stood at the gates, peering into the deep. A pair of twins, looking for truth, at the doorway of decision.

Doubt thought of before. The shame of being wrong. The pain of misplaced trust. The failure following the efforts. One could never know what was in another's heart.

What was through the gate? It was better to hold, to stay still rather than fall. To watch before each step. Lessons learned from past mistakes.

Faith thought of before. The pride in finding a way. The pleasure of connections. The hard-earned feeling of success. Finding beauty in another's compassion, a heart born from two.

What was through the gate? Better to move forward, with wonder and hope. To enjoy each step. Finding a radiance in the new.

Faith needed Doubt to keep free of the traps. Doubt would drown in skepticism without Faith.

Alone, they would falter.

Together, they were courage.

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