Three Grapes - 5 Minute Freewrite (Day 57)

She was reading in bed when her closet door swung open and the man walked out.

Laura yelled, threw her book at the psycho and jumped from her bed. The blankets that had been keeping her warm now gripped her legs and dragged her to the floor. She fell hard, crying out when her arm hit the nightstand as it toppled with her. Kicking her legs free, she stood, gripped the spindle legged stand and turned to the burgler.

Who was standing in front of the closet door, laughing his ass off.

His back was bent with his hands on his knees as he howled and gasped in hilarity. "Of all the times..." he giggled, "I've been called this is..." he straightened up, still snickering "..the first I've seen someone beaten by their own bedding!" He drew in a deep breath and composed himself.

"Right then! The deal! Your wish for vengeance has summoned me to your bidding." He held up his hand, which now held a glass of something dark and swirling inside. "Drink deep of these three grapes and the contract will be made. Your commands will be carried out with swift and blinding....What are YOU doing?" he asked in confusion.

Laura was almost to the bedroom door when it slammed shut. She gasped and spun towards the closet man, lifting her little table as a shield.

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For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - Day 57 by @mariannewest.

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