Day 34: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Big Wave

The following post is part of a continuing story using @mariannewest 's 5 minute freewrite prompts, but it is not completely written in the spirit of the freewrite limitations. I try to write in one sitting with very limited edits, but I take longer, sometimes much longer than the 5 minutes.

Here are links to the previous entries

Part #1 Prompt: "It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep"

Part #2 Prompt: "Ooze"

Part #3 Prompt: "great-grandpa's nose"

Part #4 Prompt: "a special occasion"

Part #5 Prompts: "scream" and "I put tulips under all the pillows, and then I set fire to the house"

Part #6 "Hair"

...A quarter mile outside of town I ditched the car out of sight behind a run-down motel, the roof had collapsed from disrepair and there was evidence of a previous fire. I took a moment to call in for a situation report. Jenna had arrived on foot hobbling a bit, the lookout had in been position where he could watch the road into town, and he would have missed her altogether if his eyes had not been drawn to the limping figure in a crumpled party dress crossing an open field. She had come out of the woods about two hundred and fifty feet away from the road, and at ground level would not have been detectable. Fortunately the lookout had positioned himself on a building with a flat roof, and he had confirmed that it was her through his field glasses. So this girl was no novice, she knew what she was about and she was trying to avoid discovery. I asked for a change of cloths, some lock picks, and for a clean Fujitsu computer hard drive to be waiting for me when I arrived. If they couldn't find a Fujitsu I told them to just find any 2.5 inch ATA drive available. I also asked them to provide me with an up to date train schedule.

Making my way into town on the opposite side of the road from where Jenna had crossed, I stepped into town some three hundred feet South of the road and entered an ally way, my contact was waiting there in a parked van. He had the cloths waiting for me so I started changing in the back right away. As I changed he filled me in on what was happening. The girl had made some phone calls from a pay phone and then checked into a motel about five minutes ago that was down two blocks and over one street from our present location. My hard drive was in route, it was a brand new Western Digital from the supply room, that's all that they could muster up on such short notice. Within five minutes the hard drive arrived along with the additional information that Jenna was in a room 121 on the ground floor in the back. Just that fast I was on my way again, fatigue was really starting to settle in but I went back to my training and started drawing on my reserves. As I walked I studied the train schedule, the next one out of town left at 1830, six hours from now.

I came up to the room and listened for a moment at the door, should I wait for her to go out to eat, surely she was hungry after that long walk. No, she would take the her purse and the hard drive along. If she was in there she was either cleaning up and changing into some cloths that she picked up somewhere, or she had dropped on the bed exhausted and fell asleep. Being my usual reckless self I began to work on the lock, what was the worst thing that could happen? I was going to get that hard drive one way or the other, but I hoped that it came without having to use force. The thought of having to actually hit her caused a sick feeling to pour over me like a Big Wave rolling over a skiff in open water. Why did I care, this girl had given me a mickey, stole my stolen hard drive and then left me out in the cold so to speak. But I did care and that really bothered me, something was wrong with me on the inside that needed to be sorted out. The lock gave and the door opened, good she hadn't set the inside safety latch. I stepped in and carefully shut the door, I could hear the shower pulsating and there was a wispy cloud of fog coming out the partially open bathroom door. Her fresh cloths were laid out on the bed, just a long sleeved turtle neck, some sweat pants and a light runners jacket, a pair of cheap tennis shoes still in the box sat on the floor with some ankle socks. She must have stopped into a quick shop and just grabbed whatever they had. Her small purse was there and I found the hard drive inside and exchanged it with the Western Digital. It was tempting to sit there and wait until she was done with her long hot shower, better yet maybe I should join her. Get it together Lawless, you are on the clock, get out of there!

The van had been moved to a nearby parking lot one street over from the motel, get me back to the office I said, lets get the information downloaded off of this hard drive and on it's was to Langley. The van started and began to pull away, but my mind was still back in that motel room, something else of me was there also and that had me confused. Maybe I was just worn thin by the events of the last couple of days...

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Prompt: Big Wave
Set your timer for 5 minutes.
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)
Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.
Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.
If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Thank you @mariannewest

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