My 5 Minute Freewrite: Witches

Here is an original watercolour I made today to go with my freewrite.


I don't know how I have not known that #freewrite was a thing here on Steemit. I have read many but didn't make the connection that it was a tag and also a version sponsored by @mariannewest. I just saw Monday's prompt: Witch today and so set my little timer for five minutes and the following is what came out. I then was inspired by my own story to do an illustration to do with it (as is my wont...I am always drawing.)

Clara the Witch

Clara wasn't one of those new age witches. She didn't hang crystals from her VW bus or smudge her house with overpriced sticks bought at a 'feel good shop' in the mall. She was just a witch. A dyed in the wool, cauldron stirring, spell casting witch.

She never chose this path, it was thrust upon her by the accident of birth. IF you can consider how long a witch lives as birth. In fact most witches stop celebrating birthdays after the 100 year mark.

Clara couldn't recall how long she'd been alive. When living is such a monotony after awhile, counting, clocks, and calendars all seem a foolish sort of practice.

She wasn't a very good withc. That is to say: The powers that defined her species were not that strong, not that she wore a black hat and went about turning farmers cow's milk sour or giving children harelips. I mean she had done, in the past, back when such things were the best past time one could manage, but there was no Facebook or Steemit in 1500 England.

She turned to her cat now. YEs her familiar. Sure she was a bit of stereo type, but if you are going to trap a sub demon into a being to do your bidding, a cat is a good choice. They are stealthy and people tend to pick them up and stroke them and thus get spells from them unbeknownst to them.

This familiar, though, was far from stealthy. She was fat lazy and often burped out bits of things that might include mouse ears as well as fairy wings. Yes, Clara's familiar had a real taste for fairy...

And then the timer went off. It was fun.

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