Day 24: 5 Minute Freewrite


Please welcome our newest freewriters @jayna @wildwoman @mydivathings and @preparedwombat

Many of our freewriters are new to the platform and get very few votes on their posts. Every day, I am inviting you to visit one and leave some comments and votes. Today, please visit @theprettysoul

If you don't know what a freewrite is, her is a link to the introduction post: @mariannewest/writers-or-wanna-be-writers-wanted-be-free-freewrite


Let your imagination speak and hear what this little lemony character tells you

This little character is drawn by my friend @barbara-orenya. She is also running a writing challenge and asked me if the freewriters want to play. I think we do. Don't you?

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes.
  • Start writing whatever comes to mind when you see this picture.
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post

Then, or if you wish before you start writing, go to Barbara's Challenge post
Either post a link of your freewrite in the comments of her post or clean it up and expand it for Barbara's challenge. Two for one :) Pretty good, right?

edit: You may use the picture in your post but MUST give credit to Barbara @barbara-orenya and also link to her original post. This is the link: @barbara-orenya/express-your-fancifulness-from-this-visual-prompt-whimsical-writing-challenge-

Thank you!!

Last Day of "The Plan"

Remember, today, November 12, is the last day. You have until 7 PM Pacific time to post a freewrite under at least 2 prompts from this week to qualify.

Here are the requirements:
For 7 days, starting Monday, November 6/2017 and ending Sunday, November 12/2017, I will share the SBD payout of the prompt posts with all of you who do the following:

  • Post at least 2 freewrites in the 7 days
  • Use the prompt - I will not accept posts which have nothing at all to do with the prompt. The idea is to write something new for this challenge.
  • Leave a link to your freewrite or copy your 5 minute freewrite in the comments of the prompt.
  • You must do all - I can’t hunt you all down to try to count you.

I will add up the SBD of the 10 prompts and divide it equally between all who have participated in at least 2 freewrites AND left the link in the comments.
You can post at each prompt until Sunday 7PM PST- that gives you a lot of time to get your 2 prompts in :)

The sharing will happen after the last prompt post-payout. Approx. 7 days after the Sunday prompt posts.

More on Proper Usage of Images

Our fellow freewriter and professional photographer @dmcamera is helping us to understand the proper use of images which are not our own photos.

This article explains who owns the copyright. Read her article here

If you like this and want more people to come out and play - resteem!

Remember to check your voting power. Do not vote for a while if you are under 90!

Also, I would love it if you all check out each others #freewrite and spread some love :)
@improv @ana-maria @f3nix @kcoyote @marcoriccardi @dennisauburn @thereikiforest @jkiw @shanibeer @sharoonyasir @ellievallie @stinawog @melinda010100 @snook @marillaanne @citizenzero @yomibolo @themerrylotus @theprettysoul @dswigle @simgirl @fitinfun @whatisnew @tezmel @wandrnrose7 @rainbowme @jjwriter85 @brisby @creationofcare @jewels3 @whatilearned @ackhoo
@sieggna @topkpop @bloghound @omra-sky @nathanthewise @janine-ariane @iyanpol12 @tpkidkai
@littlescribe @valorforfreedom @jovema @long888 @raj808 @dmcamera @ecoinstant @bashadow
@deaconlee @miniature-tiger @johnwjr7 @jayna @wildwoman @preparedwombat @mydivathings


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

prompt compilation

MAP Forum Introduction

A Good Day to Go to the Market - It's Market Friday

Day 22 Freewrite - Prompt: itching

Joel Salatin - Farmer-Author-Speaker

Day 21: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Books

Sky Magic

A Holy Basil Smoothie



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