A Good Day to Go to the Market - It's Market Friday

Every week, I say that I want to go to the Friday Market early - make it a Thursday Market for me to keep up with all of you who are way ahead of me. But alas - good intentions....

But still, we have to eat! So, let's look at some of the goodies we are finding today at the store.

The first thing I am seeing is some dried fruit.


I so wished that I had given in to an impulse buy! Here I am, sitting on a Friday afternoon with my coffee - and no sweets to go with it. In Germany, we have the tradition of "Kaffeeklatsch" oder "Kaffeetrinken" - to come together in the middle of the afternoon for a cup of coffee and something sweet.

That can be a formal invitation or just the family gathering and having a bread with jam and a coffee.

Since I love coffee, I do like the afternoon cup (decaf in case you are wondering if I sleep at night :)

And sometimes, something sweet would be nice. Just like this Mango here.


And I would be quite happy with the chili coated version.

But, I only bought what was on my list. I wasn't even tempted by these beautiful nuts.


Could have been the price - we are living pretty frugally over here. And I do have a pecan tree in my backyard and often get gifts of Macadamia in the shell from friends. Well, this year, we have a squirrel and lots of crows helping with the nut harvest and I haven't been able to get too many.

They are fast!!!

And my friend figured out a way to open the Macadamias without smashing his fingers to pieces (the hit them with the stone method). That source might have dried up as well.


But the nice thing about a big bulk section is that you can buy just a little bit of a luxury item. Better for the wallet and probably better for your health - especially if that luxury item is called chocolate.

On the other hand, for the store owner, it is better to package everything. Less unauthorized snacking, less unauthorized touching and people actually buy more if things are prepacked. I learned that lesson when I had my store.

Of course, when buying bulk, people can bring their own containers and fill those up instead of using another plastic bag. Sadly, I don't see much of that going on.


I love the look of these barrels. It does give the store a bit of a country flare. Of course, it is all fake and there are plastic inserts in each barrel. Hard to get away from plastic this day and age, even when you try hard. Still, they are pretty and add to the ambiance of the store.


And these 2 dudes are my youngest son and my youngest grandson. It is good to have them along! One grabs everything in sight and the other helps to put it back. You can figure out who does what. The picture might give you a clue!!

This is a contribution to Market Friday initiated by our sweet Denise @dswigle.

You too can play!! Take your phone or camera with you wherever and whenever you go shopping and then, show us what shopping is like in your part of the world!!

Use the # marketfriday leave a link to your post her


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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