Silver - Freewrite- Prompt - Bubbling


Freewrites are 5 minutes of nonstop writing. Sometimes they are good - and sometimes not so much. Join us!! Find the this prompt here

I am bubbling over with excitement and a bit with annoyance too. I am using this app called "The most dangerous writing app" and it just erased my writing. Then, it promised that if I subscribe to their newsletter, it will give it back to me. But no!!! Nothing. And that is not cool!!!
And it erased it because my phone rings on the computer as well and I was trying to get rid of that noise.
Hah. Back to bubbling over with excitement. I just made a little video opening a package I received from Coolbrowser. If you don't know the dude, go right now and check out his profile.
When I joined Steemit, I was browsing around to get a hold of the platform and I came across @coolbrowser - get it - browsing and coolbrowser :)
But on to what I was saying. I don't see myself as a person who wins. I played the lottery at least twice and nada. LOL.
But really, I don't tend to win things. But since I am on Steemit, this seems to have changed. So cool!! Hope it lasts.
So, @coolbowser had this contest where the price was one of the sought after silver pieces.You might have seen many posts about that lately.
Before I even knew what Steemit was, people had the opportunity to buy 10z silver rounds

Ding, ding - and now, I got one :)

And watch for the unpacking video coming soon :)

edit: The joke is on me. Somehow, I mix up letters at time. The name of my benfactor is NOT coolbrowser but @coolbowser


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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