Sledding - Freewrite Day 113


Skiing is for the big kids. Like my brother. He has skis. But we, the little ones, my little brother and me, we have sleds.
And the snow is falling!! Time to go. School is out, lunch is over, the sun is shining.
We put on our coats, mittens, scarves and hats and down the stairs we go. Loud. Of course, the neighbors will complain. But we have our winter boots on and we are fast.
Mom calls from above. : "Be quiet."
But we are already down and under the stairs where the sleds are waiting for us. We each have one now since my sister is not going. We carry them to the street and past where the walkway is cleared. Down they go and we can take the string and pull them. So much fun. We can't wait to get to the hill and start our first run down. We are passing by the little lake, have to cross the street by the cinema. Looking for cars, we go as fast as we can while carrying the sleds.
Boy, they are heavy. Through the ally, towards the theater and the city castle. Here is our first hill to climb.
It's a bit slippery. Icy. But some gravel is on the path. We try to keep the sled off the gravel but we are almost there. We already can hear the other kids screaming and laughing.
Further up we go and finally, there is the first sledding area. The one for the little kids. So many kids are already here.
I go first, my brother behind me. We scream a little bit too. So much fun!! The only thing now is to stop in time before we get to the trees.


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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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