10minute freewrite SCHIZOPHRENIC entry - Same topic, 2 points of view, 2 entries...CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE!

My current situation

Hateful & negative inner Me (freewrite)

It's fucking 7pm, I've been stuck here in the office since 9am...really awesome. Everyone left already and I'm alone here...while my peers are already having their warmup in our jiu-jitsu club. I haven't trained for almost 2 months now cuz some motherfucker destroyed my knee while skiing. Dude just hit me from the back as if I was some target or some shit....Also, tomorrow I'mma be here back in the office around 7am, just so I can leave at 3 already so I can catch a train back to Slovakia from here (Innsbruck, Austria)...Sitting 11 hours in the train straight! God save my ass! Probably some sweaty fat retired grandfather will be sitting right next to me..of course will that mofo be staring right into my screen all the time, as I'm struggling with my Master thesis once again...Oh yeah, right, I've caused it myself anyway cuz I should be already loong time done with my studies asmy family loves to remind me and probably won't miss another opportunity immedially upon my arrival....which is at fucking 2am!...again won't get my good night sleep...and all this just so I can get drunk with friends on Easter and afterwards feel like shit for 2 days. On top of that some mandatory arguments with my mum cuz she thinks I'm still her little cute boy...fuck all that...

Grateful & positive inner Me (freewrite)

Wohooo just one night and I'm going back home finally!! Gonna meet my friends and we'll have a blast. But first gotta leave this office here, I've been here the whole craazy day, but Fuck it, it ain't that bad. Sitting in a cozy chair, sipping coffee, doing exactly what I hoped to do as I was studying it. Also pretty excited about my strength workout later in the night. I'd love to be back in my jiu jitsu training, but since my knee is still injured, I can't go. But on the other side, I've been finally doing some calisthenics and gymnastics training after years of not being able to find a time for that. Also I went to couple of boxing training which I wouldn't manage if I'd be in my jiu-jitsu training regimen..So it ain't that bad....also pretty excited about tomorrows ride back home, those Austrian trains are really first class. Supercomfy chairs and crazy fast internet...It can't get better than that. Will take 11 hours but whatever, at least I will finally work a little on my thesis...life's good

There are always 2 sides of the coin....choose yours, there's no right one...

Thanks @derangedvisions for introducing me to #freewrite concept!

Thanks for reading!


You can find my latest posts here:

  1. DROPSHIPPING mania. How people passively earn thousands of $$$ and why I find it DISGUSTING...!!
  2. Are we getting more and more STUPID!? ...DEFENSE of 2 latest generations and the cloud storage
  3. FUN FACTS & history about switching to SUMMER TIME you've probably never heard of
  4. Can travelling get cheaper than this?
  5. Writing down notes after jiu-jitsu practice

Mother tongue version

Current situation - nasrane & negativne Ja

Je posranych 7 hodin vecer a ja stale sedim v office. Uzasne...Som to od 9 rano a nespravil som nic..Keby to aspon bola moja chyba, ale samozrejme ultraretardovany kolega mi podsunul kod, vraj ze 100% funguje..holy kek funguje, po 6 hodinach som zistil, ze chyba nieje u mna. Kazdy uz odisiel a som tu posledny, fakt parada, estemusim aj umyvacku vylozit....a to vsetko, kym sa kamosi uz davno v jiu-jitsu gyme rozcvicuju na trening..uz som tam nebol 2 mesiace, odkedy ma debil zostrelil na zjazdovke jak keby som nejaky terc...Ohhhh.....Samozrejme, zajtra musim byt v office uz o siedmej rano, aby som mohol o tretej vypadnut - a to vsetko len preto, aby som stihol 11 hodinovy vlak spat na Slovensko...11 HODIN VO VLAKU, no aby ma eblo! Natutovku si prisadne nejaky spoteny tlsty dochodca, co mi bude cely cas nakukat do monitoru ako sa trapim s diplomkou, ktora uz mala byt davno hotova. To mi samozrejme rodina instantne doma v Trencine da najavo...Predpokladany prijazd - 2 nad ranom, samozrejme pokial sa zas nieco nedosere so slovenskymi zeleznicami...a toto vsetko len preto, aby som sa nalial s chalanmi a potom sa dva dni citil jak posledny nestastnik...dotoho este nejake povinne hadky s mamou, lebo stale nepochopila ze uz niesom jej chlapcek...fakt sa najlepsie na vsetko vysrat

Current situation - vdacne & pozitivne Ja

Wohooo posledna noc a ide sa domov!! Uz sa tesim jak sa s chalanmi zlejeme jak keby nebolo zajtra :D Jooj najprv ale musim konecne vypadnut z roboty, bol som tu cely den ale Fuck it, koniec koncov ma to aj tak bavi. Vyvalovat rit v kresle, pit kavicku - bavi ma to a este sa pri tom aj super zregenerujem na vecerny trening. Chalani uz su davno v gyme na jiu-jitsu treningu, skoda ze este stale nemozem ist kvoli kolenu. Ale tak,aspon mozem po rokoch znova oprasit kalisteniku a nejaky zakladny silovy trening. Dokonca som aj box vyskusal, kedze mam teraz po veceroch viac casu...celkom sa tesim na zajtrajsiu jazdu domov, tie rakuske vlaky su jak kancelaria...tichucke, rychle a internet tam fici rychlejsie nez u mna doma :D Bude to sice trvat 11 hodin, ale konecne aspon pohnem tu moju diplomovku...

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