FUN FACTS & history about switching to SUMMER TIME you've probably never heard of

Sooo we successfully switched to summer time again!


But this transition hasn't always been so seamless as we all know it, so let's dive into some fun facts about it's implementation and history:

    Real name

  • Official name is Daylight Saving Time (DST), but among people summer time got adopted
  • Not global

  • Also, many people don't realize this immediately, but summer time change is not global but rather just for either southern or norhtern hemisphere
  • Picture source

    First written mention of the concept

  • First-ever person to mention the possibility of time change was Benjamin Frankin 1784 in one of his satirical essays "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". He made fun of it that once people will optimize their day according to sunlight.
  • First implementation in law

  • First official DST implementation happened in World War I. by Germans. They pushed this concept to the law because they've seen it as an option of saving coal by soldiers sleeping mostly during the dark and wake up earlier with the sun. Rest of European countries quickly followed and US joned them in 1918 Newspapers letting US citiens know about the upcoming change...Picture source
  • It prevented terrorist attack

  • In September 1999, West Bank terrorist didn't realize Israel had already switched back to standard time and their bombs exploded 1 hour earlier. All three terrorist died but at least they've managed to win the Darwin Award that year.
  • It actually does not save energy

  • Many researchers have been continually claiming that it doesn't save energy because e.g. in many countries, using AC during during the day actually needs more energy than having the light on in the evening.
  • Halloween industry likes it

  • Candy industry in US has been lobying for years for summer time to be shifted by couple of weeks, so the Halloween night will benefit from one extra hour of light for kids to collect sweets around the neighborhood. One sweets company went even so far, then before meeting of politicians regarding summer time, they gave out each politician a bag of sweets upon arrival to the building.

    Picture source

  • TV industry doesn't like it

  • Because of the later sunset, many TV shows suffer a drop in viewership. Singing competition American Idol reported 10% drop from week to week after time change happened.
  • Thanks for reading!


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    Mother tongue version

    Tak a mame za sebou zmenu na letny cas a uz aj prve vstavanie do prace/skoly o hodinu skor!

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      Ozajstne meno

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    • Letny cas nie je globalny

    • Vela ludi si taktiez neuvedomuje, ze letny cas nieje vsade rovnaky a nefunguje globalne, ale vzdy len pre jednu hemisferu. Taktiez sa jeho implementacia lisi aj od statu ku statu.
    • Zdroj

      Prva pisomna zmienka o koncepte zmeny casu

    • Prvy clovek, ktory kedy spomenul podobny koncept bol Benjamin Franklin v roku 1784. V jednej z jeho satirickych eseji "Clovek zdravy, bohaty a mudry, zavcas do postele ide a skoro rano vstava" zosmiesnoval predstavu, ze ludia raz budu svoj den optimizovat podla denneho svetla.
    • Prva implementacia v zakone

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    • Letny cas zabranil teroristiskemu utoku

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    • Letny cas nesetri energiu

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      Picture source

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