Five minute free write - Cinnamon


Todays free write was a bit of a challenge.

I had to sit and think about the prompt, CINNAMON, for some good long minutes. What did I associate with cinnamon...did I want to tell a personal story, a fiction story, could I figure a crazy twist that would get people thinking, perhaps some greater social message, sci-fi of some kind...yeah, my mind went to all of those places.

I finally ended up on what you're about to read. It kind of evolved as I wrote. Don't be prepared for zombies, aliens, end-of-the-world plagues. Today we're taking a walk on the wild side of a Tuesday, or is today Wednesday, morning.

Without further ado...

The chill morning caused me to shiver, even through the layers I wore.

One long sleeved shirt, a sweater, and a coat, it was barely enough. My body was stiff. Awoken by a noxious sound at too early of a time. The memory of a bang-bang-bang-slide-bang-knock-knock of an upstairs neighbors unknown activities fresh in my mind.

I could almost see my breath in the early light. The gate made it's everyday creak and groan as I swung it open. My haven was close, only a couple of minutes away. On a walk I've done hundreds of time I took a minute to think. What would my day be like? What would I get done? Would I find what I was looking for? Finally?

The bell dinged as I entered.

A warm flush spread onto my face as I went from outside to in. A smile, a greeting, a fist bump. This was my place. My people. My zone. Everyday for months, the same routine. The same place. The same people.

It's my Cheers. Where everybody knows my name. A sanctuary in a city of stadiums. No one watching me here. A calm place.

I didn't even have to ask.

He just smiled and poured me a cup. Hot, black, that sound so familiar of it splashing into my mug. My first action, as it always is, that slow approach to my nose with smile growing on my face.

A deep breath in. Chocolate, nuts, hints of cinamon and a bit of berry.
I'm ready for my day.

My daily routine is pretty much the same. In my perpetual hunt for work as a freelancer I spend a lot of time doing the same things. Most of those things are in front of a computer so I try and find a place where I can be out, still get work done, and meet people at the same time. That happens to be my coffee shop.

I call it mine because I'm there every day. People are surprised when I don't show up, and let me know they missed me. It's a really cool feeling for someone who's going through what I'm going through. Even my last place didn't have anywhere near this kind of neighborhood vibe. I know everyone's name, and everyone has some kind of story that's interesting to listen to. I swear, there are no boring people who chill at this place. Even though you might think so from first impressions, like a good book getting to know them takes a minute. One of my friends there, a college student, remarked casually to me the other day, 'seriously, everyone who I talk to has some sort of lesson to teach me.' And it's true.

Weird Wave coffee in Boyle Heights, LA...if you're wondering. That's where I spend most of my life now...or at least for now. I'd better get on with the rest of my day. I just realized my ending to the free write is outpacing the word count of the actual free adieu!

Almost forgot the challenge links :) Check out @mariannewest's Five minute free write challenge here

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