Five minute free write - Spa

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It seems my free writes take a somewhat predictable path

...or maybe today I just have my mind thinking about the saga of Burning Blade that I started the other day to compete in the #minnowhelper writing contest. It might also be that I'm listening to a music compilation called Best Relaxing Piano Studio Ghibli Complete Collection 2016. Or it might be the 6 years I spent living in Japan, that influenced today's write. Or, maybe, all of that, lol.

One of the things I really loved about Japan was the hot springs. Man, you could seriously just chill there for hours, getting in and out of all the different kinds of pools they had. For many years it was my weekend ritual after a night of drinking to head to one and get all the kinks out. The one young white guy in the middle of a bunch of middle aged Japanese guys...armed with only a small white towel and my smile, lol. But, it was so worth it as I baked, boiled, and simmered away the stress of everyday life.

Without further take on todays prompt, SPA

The air held a stiff chill

And over the scalding pond sat a gentle mist, wafting in sudden gusts. It was black outside, heavy as pitch, no stars littered the sky under the canopy of clouds. Moonlight hidden from the world.

He sat with his back to some jagged rocks. Watching. Letting the water slowly melt through all the tension others had worked so hard to build in him. Arms, legs, shoulders, back. Each deep breath brought just a little more relief.

Out here in the middle of nowhere

The trees, the snow, the water he sat in, his only witness. The hike had been ardous. A non-stop battle to arrive here. One battle after another.

Snowflakes, one by one, drifted down. Doomed to never reach the earth as they tried to visit him. A soft tune his wife used to play sang in his head. A moment of pure peace that he had not felt in a long time.

Another deep breath. Perhaps now, perhaps finally, he could rest.

A twig, snapping loud in the silence, brought him back.

Eyes sharp, the darkness refused to reveal any secrets. He moved slowly to the edge of the small pool. The warmth in his bones quickly chilling. Had they found him...again?

One of these days my characters will really get to rest...maybe. Life is about challenge, and growth, right? When you overcome something it brings you closer to your goals...right? Let's just say the character alluded to in this piece has a waaaaays to go before that happens :)

Thank you for dropping by and reading!

If you aren't a part of @mariannewest's Five minute free write get your butt in gear and give it a try. It's scary, fighting a timer to try and put something together. But, it most definitely sharpens your writing skills.

Don't get put off if you feel your first time sucks. Post it, let us know, and we'll take a look. I think I can speak for most of us and say we're all about support and helping you write better :) Ask us what you could do better and we'll do our best to let you know. If you want a real challenge, give The most dangerous writing app a try. insert evil villain laugh here

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