Five minute free write: Elephant

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Another day, another 5 minute free write to get my brain moving.

The focus of todays 5 Minute Free Write was elephant. It took me a minute to think about what I could write about. For me, elephant was a bit of a reach. I haven't been to zoos for a long time, and I think it's a pretty obscure focus. But, a vivid memory of the time I was visiting Thailand, in a city called Ayutthaya with my girlfriend at the time, arose. I had been backpacking for about 4 months at this point, and she decided to come and visit me. Instead of doing the whole explore Bangkok thing, I wanted to be more creative. So, instead we took a day trip to the ancient religious ruins in Ayutthaya.

This is a quick tale weaving that ride together with some of my thoughts about how the elephants are treated. Written in The Most Dangerous Writing App where the only edits made were a couple spelling, and one tense correction. I hope you enjoy it!

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Have you ever ridden on the back of an elephant?

Deep in the jungles of some unknown land? Where ruins of old cover the countryside?

I have.

Large beasts of burden, gentles of heart. The trunks always snaking round and round, seeking.

Dressed in orange and saddled with seats. 'Driver' seated in front with large smile beaming.

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Tourists we were, in a foriegn land. Seeking novelty and experience.

These lovely beasts, saddled in their servitude, do not deserve to be there. I did not know it at the time, but how they came to be in this awkward position of serving man was not a gentle journey towards something better.

Training, days upon days, years upon years, they struggled through it. Tied, beaten, abused. Not trained, but forced into submission to the desires of man..

To make a living? To provide entertainment? One by one, two by two, they were brought into the human fold

But, I rode, not knowing. The fun had not yet been dimished. We sat, moving back and forth in a lazy side to side step of this gentle giant.

Through ruins of old we wandered. In places many will never see, doing things many will never do. Enjoying the time that we had without the cloud of knowledge to smother our light. Yet still these beasts, no, not beast, lovely gentle fellow inhabitant of this great planet.

All of us together, on this rock flying through space. One above, one below.

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