Five minute free write - Switch


It's a beautiful day here in Sunny LA today

Though it's a bit cold, I really can't complain. I sat down at my coffee shop and began my morning routine, coffee in hand. A quick check revealed @mariannewest's daily Five minute free write prompt to be SWITCH. Unlike yesterday's, this one sparked a million tiny little ideas. Little hooks. But the problem was how to build a story around them. Good twists, but what was the buildup, what was the point?

What comes next is what I thought of. A lot of my early writing hear was pretty dark, and still goes there sometimes, but when I can I like to be hopeful. What you think about, what you focus on, becomes how you view the world. And I, for one, want to be hopeful. There's too much of the opposite in the world right now. The crushing weight of all that's wrong poured like an endless stream over our chest by a money driven media peddling blood and tears. I hate that so much...we as a species are so much better. If only we could break the cycle...

Anyways, enough with rambling. Without further ado...

The ship had been decades in the making.

A marvel of humankinds ability to come together and do something good. All the voices of a planet singing out as one. Hope taken form as the future of the species.

A mile long, hanging gently in orbit with a thousand little bees flying in, out, and around the framework. A Christmas tree flying above the people, it was visible day and night. Through no small feat of science and negotiation the best and the brightest now gathered.

It was not dead, not yet.

Earth still breathed a slow, agonzied breath. Would she survive? People still didn't know. It was past science at this point to determine that. Techonology no longer the concern of an entity older than our minds could comprehend.

What we had thought to be just a rock flying through space had turned out to be so much more. ITt was a shame that it had taken so long for those of us who scurried on it's surface to realize that.

But, she could be saved.

That much had been communicated. But another must be found. One of her kind that could come and heal. The cycle of death almost begun, there was still hope.

The pilot sat in her chair, elevated above the clear portals that looked out upon infinity. Her finger poised above a small toggle switch. With a flick of the wrist the potential of not just one species, but two, could finally be realized. A true symbiosis.

I love sci-fi. I've said it before.

Within the realm of what's not real yet we can imagine so much, dream so much, and begin to try and change how we think about the world and each other. It doesn't have to be the way it is. We just have to be willing to put in the work to change it. And that's hard. It means giving so much that we've held on to so strongly for so long.

I hope you enjoyed my short piece. Once again it was written on The most dangerous writing app, a challenging beast of a writing app if ever I've used one. I'm trying to go back less and less and depend more and more on my mind in the moment to do the right thing so if you find more and more errors, that's why. A little more raw, hehe.

Be well! Try and do 1 thing today to make the world a better place. Even if it's just telling someone you care about them :)

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