It Is Time For The Freewrite To End Omnibus (Parts 1 - 7)

One week ago, I had the idea to put the freewrite community in peril. Why not? It was fun. So throughout the past 7 days, I have created a new story. Consider it a reboot from any previous version. It is a fresh story.

The first 3 Episodes were as part of the daily prompt. However, I was in a dilemma. It is a tough thing to do. I was also missing doing the one-off daily freewrites. So I decided to continue the story outside of the daily prompts.

I will never spoil any plot points. I do have an idea where the story will go, but that is all subject to change. One thing that is certain, is that this story will not go on forever. I don't know how many Episodes that will be, but it will head to a conclusion.

So here is the story so far in full. Enjoy.


Part 1: Untititled
Prompt: Scream

The freewrite group are on a retreat to a house in San Fabian, Philippines. It is tranquil and they are having a great time sharing stories. The atmosphere is amazing. It would be a shame to destroy the group, The whole thing does bring a tear to my eye, but destroyed they must be.

So let’s get some baddies. First Mr White. Before you tell me that I am going to be sued for copyright, Mr White stole my name in the first place. He has my surname. It is not mentioned in the film, but you can find it on all good internet search engines.

Second is Mr Black. You can’t sue me for that either, because there are loads of people called Mr Black. It is a common surname.

Let’s make another character, Mr Grey. You can’t sue me for that either. There’s loads of people called Grey.

Mr Green and Mr Indigo (he likes to be different) make up the rest of the group, and it is time for them to hatch a plan.

First of all, they need to decide who the boss is going to be.

Mr Black stands up first. “I should be the project manager. I have a cool name. The big baddie should be Mr Black.”

Mr Green makes his claim, “I would make a great project manager. We could call ourselves the A Team.”

The response to that suggestion did not go down too well. I promised to keep my language clean online, I have children. The second word was “off.”

A door opens and a big imposing gentleman walks in. “Have you decided who will be the project manager?”

Mr White pulls out a gun and shoots the man. He did not hesitate. Out comes the gun and bang, The big boss is on the floor.

Mr White will now become the boss of this organisation; the organisation who will destroy the freewrite once and for all.

“We will kill the freewrite with 'The Scream.'”

“There is one problem that we must deal with first,” explains Mr White. “There is a mole in the room. Someone from the freewrite is amongst you. We need to find that person and deal with them.”

He pulls a razor out of his pocket.

Part 2: The Radio And The Palimpsest
Prompt: Palimpsest

Definition of palimpsest.
1 : writing material (such as a parchment or tablet) used one or more times after earlier writing has been erased.

“There is one problem that we must deal with first,” explains Mr White. “There is a mole in the room. Someone from the freewrite is amongst you. We need to find that person and deal with them.”

He pulls a razor out of his pocket.

“There's another problem,” suggests Mr Black. “There's no radio.”


“That ruins the scene entirely,” says Mr White. “I need some music to dance to. I'll get on the phone to Mr Brown, he always has radios.”

Mr White makes the call. “Hi mate, it's Mr White, what radios have you got for me?”

Mr Brown answers. “What is this time? Another mole? I've a great model I think you'll love. I'll pop it over in a bit.”

Meanwhile, whilst they are waiting, Mr Indigo is playing with a palimpsest.

“What on earth is that?” asks Mr Green.

Mr Indigo replies, “it is a palimpsest. It keeps me calm.”

“Then why are you writing 'The Scream’’ on it?” asks Mr Green.

Let's take the story thousands of miles away to Baguio City, Philippines. A place high in the mountains. It is not far from San Fabian, the place of the retreat for the freewrite community.

It would take about 3 hours to get to Baguio City from San Fabian, but only 2 hours to return home. Driving down the mountain requires considerable skill.

Mr Neil loves Baguio City because he can have his own peace and a good night's sleep. It is usually around 8 Degrees Celsius cooler than the land at sea level.

He is taking a leisurely walk, when he sees a woman in black running towards him. She doesn't look friendly, so Mr Neil decides to make a run for it. He manages to lose her and makes his way to the bus.

The bus leaves for San Fabian and Mr Neil breathes a sigh of relief. The headphones go on and music is playing. But, as the bus is traveling down the mountain, a motorcycle passes the bus then swerves in front of it.

The driver of the bus manages to turn into a car park where people usually stop for a toilet break.

The motorcycle follows and parks right next to the bus door. It is the woman in black.

Part 3: The Chase And An Irrelevant Yard Sale
Prompt: Yard Sale

The driver of the bus manages to turn into a car park where people usually stop for a toilet break.

The motorcycle follows and parks right next to the bus door. It is the woman in black.

There is nowhere for Mr Neil to go, so he decides to leave the bus and talk to the woman. He is nervous, is she trying to kill him? Or does she want something else?

“Hello Mr Neil, I've been expecting you.”

“Who are you?”

“I need to talk to you,” replies the woman in black. “But I need a cup of tea first.”

Luckily there is a tea store.

“I am Mrs Black.”

“Oh, that’s original,” Mr Neil replied sarcastically. “I suppose Mr Black is your husband and you are going to end up trying to kill each other.”

“He’s my ex and he is trying to kill the freewrite group. I am here to help.”

“If you’re here to help, why all the drama? Why didn’t you just follow me to the house and knock?”

“Because you are the only one of the group that must know. The gang that I am talking about call themselves The Riviera Hounds. They are based in the south west of England; a place known as The English Riviera. They conduct their meetings in a warehouse. They watch too many movies.”

“How do you know all this?” asks Mr Neil

Meanwhile, there is an irrelevant yard sale next to the warehouse in the south west of England. The door knocks.

“Mr Brown, I presume,” says Mr White, the leader of The Riviera Hounds. He opens the door.

“Come in. Make yourself comfortable.”

“Hi mate, how's it hanging?” greets Mr Brown. “Who’s the bloke with the etch-a-sketch.”

“It is not an etch-a-sketch,” replies Mr Indigo. “It is a palimpsest.”

“It looks like an etch-a-sketch to me. It even has the etch-a-sketch logo on it. I just hope you’re not the mole. The radio is here.”

He turns on the radio.

“You are listening to Mole FM on 97.5FM. Here’s a few oldies to dance to.”


Part 4: Role Of The Mole

Mr White turns on the radio.

“You are listening to Mole FM on 97.5FM and this is ‘Whatever’ by Oasis.”

Mr White is concerned, “Oasis? I wanted oldies. Oasis is 1990s music.”

Mr Brown responds. “The 1990s. That would now be considered, old.”

“Oh,” replied Mr White. He looks at the large mirror which is conveniently placed to next the conveniently placed blackboard. “Nice to see that I still look young.”

Mr Brown continues. “We may need to modernise. We’re still using a blackboard. Maybe I can get hold of computer and projector. I can set it up for you.”

“Thank you mate,” Mr White addresses the group. “Can anyone tell me any other ways we can modernise?”

“We could get some mobile phones instead of walkie talkies,” suggests Mr Indigo.

“Nice idea Mr Indigo. That is great, and coming from a man using an etch-a-sketch.”

Mr Indigo pulls out a smartphone out of his pocket. I would love to tell you the model, but they haven’t paid me yet. He uses it to take a picture. He then walks off towards the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” asks Mr White.

“For a p.” replied Mr Indigo.

“Ok, when you come back, we’re going to find out who the mole is.”

They wait about 15 minutes.

“What is Mr Indigo doing in there? I want to get on with it.”

“By the way,” asks Mr Brown. “Do you know who the mole is?”

“Actually, I have no idea.” replies Mr White. “There may not even be a mole. I just wanted to scare everyone.”

Meanwhile, on a mountain, on the way back from Baguio City, Philippines, where people stop for toilet breaks, Mrs Black is telling Mr Neil about The Riviera Hounds.

“We need a mole. It will be dangerous but we need some information. We need to know how and why The Riviera Hounds are trying to kill the freewrite group. Have a look at the side of this Cornflake packet.”

Win a chance to be a mole!

The perks.

  • Danger. If you want adventure then you've got it.

  • Top class accommodation in Torquay, England. Don't worry, it won't be Fawlty Towers.

  • Kudos, you'll be a hero and you'd have saved the day.

  • A good chance of survival. We can't guarantee anything, but you'll hopefully live to tell the tale.

If you'd like to apply, just answer the following question.

Where Is The English Riviera?

a. England
b. Wales
c. Scotland

As this is a multiple choice question, we will need a tie breaker.

I think I should be the mole because ……….. (answer in no more than 15 words)

We also need to the following
Title: (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, etc). This is a gangster story and is compulsory.
Name: What would you like to be known as.

Thank you for entering. Either dial D for Dead Man (or Woman) Walking or Reply to this post (which is probably a safer option).

“Hang on,” says Mr Neil. “Haven’t you already got a mole? How else would you know, what you know?”

“There are ways,” replies Mrs Black. “For now, we need a new mole.”


Part 5: The Toilet Break

“Hang on,” says Mr Neil. “Haven’t you already got a mole? How else would you know, what you know?”

“There are ways,” replies Mrs Black. “For now, we need a new mole.”

Mr Neil is cold. “We’ve been at this place where people stop for toilet breaks, for ages now. I’m getting cold”

“Ok Mr Neil, don’t tell anyone about the plot. It is time for me to go. I’ll be in touch very soon about the role of the mole and other plans that we have.”

“Mrs Black, I have one question.” says a curious Mr Neil “Who do you work for?”

“Later, Mr Neil.”

Meanwhile back at the warehouse in Torquay.


Bang. This part of the story starts with a great big bang.

Mr White looks shocked, “what the..,.”

“It came from the bathroom!” exclaims Mr Brown.

Mr White, Mr Black, Mr Brown, Mr Green and Mr Grey start to walk slowly to the bathroom to see what is happening.

Note: Nobody can sue me because they are common surnames.

“Mr Indigo was in there for over 30 minutes, what did he eat?” remarks Mr Green.

The bathroom and the whole side of the warehouse is completely gone. There is no toilet, There is no Mr Indigo.

There is silence.

“We need to pay tribute to Mr Indigo,” remarks Mr Black.

“No, we don’t,” claims Mr White.

“Have some honour, please, Mr White.”.

Mr White replied, “There will be no such tribute to Mr Indigo. He was the mole.”

He then takes the razor out of his pocket and tosses it away. “There is no need for this now. His fate was already sealed.”

“What do we do now?” asks Mr Brown.

“We need a new warehouse. This one doesn’t have a toilet.”

Meanwhile, thousand of miles away in Baguio City, on a bus stop on a mountain, where people stop for toilet breaks, Mr Neil boards the bus to make his way back to the freewrite retreat.

He is digesting all the information. “How can we save the freewrite community,” he thinks to himself. “Do I even trust Mrs Black?”

There are more thoughts

  • “Has anyone applied to be the mole yet?” (Oh, I know where this is going)

  • “The Riviera Hounds will soon know where the freewrite group are staying.”

Then an idea comes to Mr Neil.

Episode 6: Untitled Waffle

Mr Neil is digesting all the information. “How can we save the freewrite community?” he thinks to himself. “Do I even trust Mrs Black?”

There are more thoughts

  • “Has anyone applied to be the mole yet?”

  • “The Riviera Hounds will soon know where the freewrite group are staying.”

Then an idea comes to Mr Neil.

3 days later Mr Neil is walking to the house. When he returns, Mrs Black is sitting on a bench outside the house. “Where is everyone?”

“Gone, for their own safety.”

“.....and do you know where they are?” asks Mrs Black

“They are well hidden. You never told me who you work for. I took matters into my own hands.”

“A good idea, Mr Neil. I hope you managed to get false ID and give them some different names.”

“Oh yes, I did that.” Mr Neil is having a little chuckle to himself. “Even you won’t be able to find them.”

“Did anyone apply for the position of the mole?” asks Mrs Black.

I’m afraid not.

“Oh dear Mr Neil. It is important that we have a mole in place and quickly. I feel they will be moving to another warehouse soon.”

“Yeah, that’s original.” replied Mr Neil, sarcastically. "They watch too many movies."


Meanwhile, The Riviera Hounds decide to go to a cafe to discuss where they should be located.

“I have an idea,” says Mr Green. “Maybe we should go somewhere different. Somewhere that is not a warehouse.”

Mr White, Mr Black and Mr Brown look blank. There is a silent pause as if they were about to make a life changing decision.

“Maybe we can original,” replied Mr Black. “Why don’t we go to a mountain?”

“There are no mountains on The English Riviera.”

“Does it have to be The English Riviera?”

“Yes, and I know where we should stay. We would not be very good baddies if we were not successful. We are successful, we’ve made some money and we shall stay somewhere nice.”

Mr White points up to the sky.

Back to the house in the Philippines.

“If we don’t have a mole, then this is going to be certain end for the freewrite group,” explains Mrs Black. "It is really important that we know exactly how they operate. Unless someone walks through the door in the next minute, then I’m afraid you will have to be the mole.”

59 seconds later there is a figure at the door.

“Where is everyone?”

Episode 7: Who Are You?

“Unless someone walks through the door in the next minute, then I’m afraid you will have to be our new mole, Mr Neil.”

59 seconds later there is a figure at the door.

“Where is everyone?”

“Gone,” replies Mr Neil.

“Who are you?” replies Mrs Black.

“I might ask the same thing. Who are you?”

Mr Neil intervenes, “Thàt’s a good question, Mrs Black. You never told me who you work for. Who are you?”

A tall man walks down the stairs, “a friend.”

“Who are you?” asks Mrs Black.

“Detective Chief Inspector Pulp from Scotland Yard. I helped Mr Neil hide the freewrite community.”

Mrs Black intervenes. “What's that you got in your hand, Mr Neil?”

“An LP by The Who. Who's Next?”

“Great band,” replies Mrs Black. “My favourite song is ‘Who Are You?’”

Another man appears at the door. “Who are you?” asks Pulp.

“Dr Who,” replied Mr Neil sarcastically.

“I'm not Dr Who,” replied the man at the door. “I sell fresh Pan de Sal.”

But the big question that we all want to know is; who is the figure is at the door?

“Who are you?” Mrs Black asks again. “Are you here for the role of the mole?”

“I could be. I can fit in small places!”

“Ok,” replied Pulp. ”So, who are you?”

“The name is Rose. Miss Rose”


Meanwhile in a cafe in The English Riviera,

Mr White demonstrates where their new base will be, by pointing to the sky.

“Oh that’s a bit moonraker, isn’t it?” replies Mr Green. “Having our hideout up in the sky.”

“You are having a laugh Mr Green. There may not be mountain in Torquay, but there are enough hills. I want a house up on a hill that overlooks the sea.”


Back to the house in San Fabian, Philippines.

“My job is done here,” says Pulp. “I will be making my way back to Scotland Yard. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me.”

"Thank you Sir. I will brief Miss Rose on her role."

“Before you go to England, Miss Rose, you will receive training from an expert mole. He'll be here in a moment. I've just rang him.”

“What about Mr Neil?” asks Miss Rose.

“I'm off to the Dagobah system.”

The penny drops after a few seconds.

Then, a man appears at the door.

“Who are you?” asks Miss Rose.


“Shouldn’t you be Mr Mike?” asks Mr Neil.

“No, not Mr Mike. But you can call me Mr Indigo.”

To be continued

If you like this story, I have also made an Omnibus Edition of Part 8 - 13. This Concludes the story.

Thank you @wandrnrose7 for your application for the role of the mole. Accepted.

I hope you enjoy the story so far.

Edit: Episode 8 is done.

Pictures copyright free images from Pixabay


Thank you @ameliabartlett for the freewrite banner. If you want to take part in the freewrite go to the timeline of @mariannewest and enjoy the fun.

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