It Is Time For The Freewrite To End Omnibus (Parts 8 - 13)

Two weeks ago, I had the idea to put the freewrite community in peril. Why not? It was fun. I have created a new story. Consider it a reboot from any previous version. It is a fresh story.

I decided, rather than put lots of links to different pages, I would create the Omnibus Edition, so that the stories can be read together.

I hope you enjoy.

This is the second half of the story. I recommend you read Part 1-7 first. Here is the link:



Episode 8: The Last Mole

A man appears at the door.

“Who are you?” asks Miss Rose.


“Shouldn’t you be Mr Mike?” asks Mr Neil.

“No, not Mr Mike. But you can call me Mr Indigo.”

“So Mr Indigo, what’s your story?” asks Mrs Black.

“If there is no body then there is no death. We do need to act quickly, The Riviera Hounds will soon have a new base and they will be working to root out the freewrite. Are you ready for your training Miss Rose?”

One week later

Mr White. Mr Black, Mr Green, Mr Grey and Mr Green have been enjoying their new home, overlooking the sea, in Torquay. It has been a week since they moved in.

Mr White enters, “Ok lads, we’ve had a week to settle in, we better get on with our mission. We need to destroy the freewrite group.”

“How will we find them?” asks Mr Green.

A mobile phone rings, it belongs to Mr White. “Thank you sir, text me the details. We’ll be leaving tonight.”

There is a look of anticipation amongst the group. “Pack your bags, we’re off to Dubai. We leave in 2 hours.”

“Ok, sir” says Mr Brown. “Just one thing. We have the satellite TV coming soon. Shall we wait for them?”

“Unless Liverpool are playing Manchester United next weekend, I think we can wait for the satellite TV.”

“Well that’s the thing,” replied Mr Brown. “Liverpool are playing Manchester United on Sunday.”

“OK boys. We leave in 4 hours.”

The bell rings. Mr Brown opens the door.

“Hello, I’m here to fit the satellite TV. I’m Mrs Sky.”

“Fantastic, how long will you be?” asks Mr White. “We’re going on holiday.”

“I won’t be long sir. There is a dish already up. I just need to connect the receiver.”

Mrs Sky fits the receiver. It only takes about 30 minutes.

“Ok, all done sir, can you sign the sheet?”

“No problem,” responds Mr White.

“Are you going anywhere nice?” asks Mrs Sky.

“Dubai, we’ll need to take care of business first, then we’ll have a look at the sights.”

“Ok, have a nice time.” Mrs Sky then leaves.

Mr White addresses the group. We has a computer and projector.

“Thank you Mr Brown for the computer and projector. I know exactly where the freewrite group is. They are hiding in Dubai. I have the address details here. They have assumed new identities. They have fake IDs and are all known as Smith. We must act quickly. We leave straight away for the airport and we should arrive in Dubai tomorrow morning. We will then kill the Smiths.”

There is another ring at the door. Mr Brown answers?

“Hello, I’m Charlie, I want to feature your house on a TV show that I’m presenting, about houses by the sea.”

“Who is it?” shouts Mr White.

“It’s a guy called Charlie,” replied Mr Brown “He wants to feature the house on a TV program, about houses by the sea”

“He’s probably a mole,” shouts Mr White “Kill him.”


Episode 9: It Is Time

“Hello, I’m Charlie, I want to feature your house on a TV show that I’m presenting, about houses by the sea.”

“Who is it?” shouts Mr White.

“It’s a guy called Charlie,” replied Mr Brown “He wants to feature the house on a TV programme, about houses by the sea”

“He’s probably a mole,” shouts Mr White “Kill him.”

“No, he really is the presenter of a TV programme about houses by the sea,” replied Mr Brown, “I'm always watching it.”

Mr White walks to the door. He takes his hand out of his pocket. He then reaches it out to Charlie for a handshake.

“Welcome Charlie, don’t worry, we’re not going to kill you. We’re just having a laugh. We went to the theatre last night, we like a bit of drama. I’m afraid that your timing is bad, we’re off on holiday.”

“Somewhere nice I hope,” replies Charlie.

“Yeah mate, we’re off to Dubai. Come back in one weeks time and we’ll see what we can do.”

“Ok,” replies Charlie. “See you next week.”

24 hours later, and the Hounds have arrived in Dubai. They have booked into their hotel and it is time for the briefing.

“We will waste no more time. I have the address here. It is the villa down the road from ‘The Big Paint Company.’ Five of us is not enough, so I have a contact who has provided us with more numbers. They're called the Joneses. I will explain more on the bus.”

The Hounds make their way to the entrance of the hotel and enter a yellow school bus.

“Good afternoon Hounds, we're the Joneses.”

This is the leader of the gang, Mr Jones. He is accompanied by another nine assassins. Mr Jones shows a box to Mr White.

“Ok Mr White, have a look at this.”

His eyes light up. In the box, there are plenty of weapons including machine guns and hand grenades.

The yellow school bus arrives outside the villa.

“Ok, this is it boys, show no mercy. It is time for the freewrite to end.”

The bus door opens.

They charge towards the house. The door has been left unlocked. They enter the villa and all shout loudly.

However, the next thing Mr White will feel is shock, then anger.

“Where are they? Where are they?”

“Gone,” replied Mr Brown. “They were here. They knew we were coming.”

“How?” shouts Mr White. “How did they know?”


Episode 10: Immediately

“Where are they? Where are they?”

“Gone,” replied Mr Brown. “They were here. But they knew we were coming.”

“How?” shouts Mr White. “How did they know?”

Mr White gets out his mobile phone. He wants answers and he wants them quickly.

Meanwhile there is another phone call happening. Mrs Black is in an unknown location.

“Did you manage to get them out on time?” asks Mrs Black

“Yes, with some time to spare,” replied Mr Neil. “thanks for the information you gave me. It is safe to say that I can trust you now Mrs Black.”

“Where will you take them now Mr Neil?”

“To the Hoth system.”

“Good, Mr Neil, you are learning. This time trust no one. Someone must have informed the Hounds where you were.”

“But who?” asks Mr Neil. “Who knew where the group was?”

“That is a good question, Mr Neil.”

There is a pause.

“Mrs Black, are you are ok? I think I’ve lost you.”

“I’m still here, Mr Neil.”

“What is it then?” asks Mr Neil. “what is wrong?”

“Mr Neil, please stay where you are. I’m off to England. Immediately.”

Meanwhile, back in Dubai.

“Who was that on the phone?” asks Mr Brown.

“I know who tipped off the freewrite group. We’re going back to England, immediately.”

Scotland Yard, Police headquarters in London. Detective Chief Inspector Pulp receives a phone call. When he finishes, he leaves his desk and reaches for his coat.

“Where are you going sir?”

“Torquay, Devon,” replied Pulp. “Immediately”

Twenty four hours later, the Hounds are back at the house.

“Did you manage to get hold of Mrs Sky?” asks Mr White.

“Yes,” Mr Brown replied. “She’ll be here within the next hour.”

“Good, get the radio ready please.”


Episode 11: The Black Car

“Did you manage to get hold of Mrs Sky?” asks Mr White.

“Yes,” Mr Brown replied. “She’ll be here within the next hour.”

“Good, get the radio ready please.”

It is an hour later and Mrs Sky has not shown up at the house.

“Relax, she will be here.”

Mrs Sky has not made it to the house yet. That is because she intended to meet Detective Chief Inspector Pulp beforehand. She had already rang him to arrange a meeting.

Mrs Sky is waiting by the clock tower near the the harbour. A black car pulls up and a back door opens. I would like to tell you the model of the car, but they haven’t paid me yet.

“Please, come in.”

Mrs Sky gets in the car and it drives off.

Another car arrives a few seconds later. It is Pulp. He has missed her. However, he can see the black car that Mrs Sky has jumped into. He does not want to lose her.

He chases the car all around Torquay. This car chase lasts for over 10 minutes. It is difficult to keep chase on these roads. Eventually, he loses sight of the car and Mrs Sky.

The black car has escaped. It finds its way to an industrial estate. There is an empty warehouse.

“We lost him, let's stop here.”

In the black car with Mrs Sky are four woman dressed in black suits. She is sitting between two of them in the back seat.

“Who are you?” asks Mrs Sky.

The driver turns her head. “Who are you? I think that is the question Mrs Sky, or should I call you Miss Rose.”

“Mrs Black!”

“Congratulations, Miss Rose. You did a great job. If it wasn’t for you, the freewrite group would have been destroyed. Saving your life is the least we could do.”

“Saving my life?” questions Miss Rose. “Pulp told me not to trust you.”

“Pulp was the one who informed Mr White of the whereabouts of the group. He was the only person who knew where they were hiding. He would have taken you to the Hounds.”

“What do we do now?” asks Miss Rose.

“We shall…….”

They look out the window of the car. It is surrounded by Mr White, Mr Black, Mr Grey, Mr Green and Mr Brown. The Riviera Hounds. All with guns, pointing at the car.

“Don’t worry,” says Mrs Black. “We’ve got this taken care of.”


Episode 12: Last Action Hero

They look out the window of the car. It is surrounded by Mr White, Mr Black, Mr Grey, Mr Green and Mr Brown. The Riviera Hounds. All with guns, pointing at the car.

“Don’t worry,” says Mrs Black. “We’ve got this taken care of.”

The 5 Hounds are surrounding the car. Mr White looks intently at the passengers and makes a hand gesture towards Mrs Black. He is asking her to leave the car.

However, the next thing he hears is the sound of a whip. The next thing he sees is the whip around the bottom of his legs. He is then being pulled across the across the floor.

Who is using the whip? “Don't mess with the Simgirl! I got your back.”

“That will be the last thing you'll ever do,” says Mr Brown.

He then directs his gun in the direction of Miss Simgirl. Mr Green does too.

“Wrong Mr Brown.”

Mr Brown and Mr Green can feel the cold of the pistols on the back of their neck. It is Mr Black and Mr Grey.

“Who are you?” asks Miss Simgirl.

“Mr Black. I am still the husband of Mrs Black, despite what she might say.”

“What about you?”

“I'm Mr Grey. I think I'm in the wrong story. I prefer to make love, not war.”

Mrs Black gets out of the car. “There are some conveniently placed wooden chairs over there. Let's tie them up.”

“Are we going to call the police?” asks Miss Simgirl.

“I have a better idea,” Mrs Black replied.

Mrs Black looks over to Mr Black and smiles. “Thank you,” she whispers.

“Before we tie these gentlemen up, I think we deserve a bit of fun,” suggests Mrs Black. “Would you like to go first Miss Simgirl?”

“Ok, what do I do?”

“You know,” replied Mrs Black.

Miss Simgirl walks over to Mr Green. She then gives him a good kicking on his meat and two veg. Mr Green is writhing on the ground in agony.

“That’s a bit below the belt, Miss Simgirl, but do we really care?”

Mrs Black walks up Mr Brown and does the same. “Ok, tie them up.”

“What about Mr White?” asks Miss Simgirl.

The phone rings and it and Miss Simgirl answers it. “Ok, Mrs West. Gladly.”

She then walks towards Mr White. I don’t think I need to describe the next bit.

Mr White, Mr Green and Mr Brown are all now tied to chairs.

“I suppose we should ring the police now,” answers Mrs Black, “However, Pulp is their leader. We can’t allow these to escape.”

“I have an idea,” says Mr Black. “We’ll take them back to the house. We have a special guest coming.”


Episode XIII: The Final Episode

“I suppose we should ring the police now,” answers Mrs Black, “However, Pulp is their leader. We can’t allow these to escape.”

“I have an idea,” says Mr Black. “We’ll take them back to the house. We have a special guest coming.”

In truth, that is where the story ends. There is one thing left. We haven’t heard from Mr Neil for a few episodes. He is at home with his family. He has his feet up and about to watch the television. Houses By the Sea is about to start.

“Welcome to Houses By The Sea, I am Mr Charlie, and over the next few weeks I will be showing some beautiful houses by the sea. In today’s programme, I’ll be in the English Riviera. I met Mr and Mrs Black and they showed me around their spectacular home, by the sea.

“Mr and Mrs Black have a passion for dramatics, you can see here, they have 3 gangsters tied up in a chair. Apparently they were trying to kill a writing community, but they did not consider the diverse team spirit and support of the group. You can see, one of them has a sign resting on his lap. It says Pulp is a bad cop. I’m not sure who Pulp is, but I think there might be trouble coming to him. Let’s have a look at the rest of the house.

“Wow, look at that view. I am in the master bedroom, what a view of the sea. Absolutely staggering. Just imagine waking up to this everyday. This is a wonderful home.

“If I look out the back window, I can see some police cars coming into the drive. Wow, this drama club really know how to show realism. There are policeman running into the house. They are dragging the 3 tied up men. This is exciting, I must say. I may ask Mr and Mrs Black more about their drama club.”

“We have tried to make it look as realistic as possible,” says Mr Black. “However, all stories must come to an end so that new ideas can grow. That is important. I just hope the audience at home have had a lot of fun.”

“I imagine that they have,” replied Mr Charlie. “What amazing people, creative and inventive. They have managed to give everyone some enjoyment with their dramatics. I’m sad to say, that is the end of the show. So until next time, this Mr Charlie, and you have been watching Houses By The Sea. Goodbye”

Mr Neil points the remote control to the television and switches it off.

The End

Thank you to everyone who has commented and supported this story. It was a great deal of fun to write, but it is time for it to finish.

Thank you to

Miss Simgirl is played by @simgirl
Miss Rose is played by @wandrnrose7

...and of course Mrs West played by @mariannewest

Pictures copyright free images from Pixabay

If you would like to catch up on the whole story, here is a link to Part 1-7 Omnibus Edition. You can then follow the links after each episode.

Let’s get back to doing those crazy daily freewrite prompts. I’ve missed some out over the last few days to finish this story. I will do a catch up over the weekend.


Thank you @ameliabartlett for the freewrite banner. If you want to take part in the freewrite go to the timeline of @mariannewest and enjoy the fun.

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