5 Minute Freewrite Wednesday (tiger)


I apologize to those who are trying to keep up with Chozzy. I am
using today and yesterday's prompts together. So, sit back and
enjoy the ride. Things may get a bit bumpy.

Charlotte was sticking her fingers through the fence to try petting

"Kelly is he ok? How is his leg?"

"He will be fine in a few weeks if not sooner. He is a tough little guy.
Sometimes I think he is even tougher than a tiger."

Charlotte smiled at that and started talking to Chozzy in their special
way. She said, "how is my little tiger doing?"

Chozzy smiled his biggest smile but she knew he was hurting. "Aww
Chozz, you need to get better fast. You best take it easy ok?"

Chozzy shook his head.

Kelly said, "I need to have you bring me a sample of the food grain.
Chozzy drew where it was. Its in a green bin out the back of the

Here are the past few parts. Be sure to catch the rest via my blog.

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2 columns
1 column