It was a Saturday Morning


Mine :)

It was a Saturday morning when he called. Her phone vibrated on the kitchen table as she weighed if she should pick it up or not. The night before had been their second anniversary since he walked out on her two years ago and she found it very ironical that he was calling the morning after.

She let the call go to missed call so he could leave a message but he called again.

'Hello', she said impatiently when she picked up.

Hello, Soph. I know I am the last person you want to see or talk to probably but I need to see you, please. Can we do coffee this afternoon?', he spoke fast and in a respectful manner like something the Martin she knew would've rehearsed for a week to execute that excellently.

What do you want from me now? What can we possibly have to talk about?, she shot back rudely.

I swear it's important. I will explain when we see each other but please Soph, please let us hang this once and I promise never to ask for anything else from you ever again, he begged calmly.

She counted two times of him saying please and requesting something politely and figured out something had to be very wrong. Martin was apologetic and maybe that's what had made him such a good lawyer and also why she fell for him. She usually found herself getting drawn to bad boys and he was their gang leader.

A second more passed and he added another, please.

Okay fine. 'Our' usual place, 4 pm.

She then quickly hang up before his 'thank you' would confuse her even more. His attitude was a side of him she had never seen.

Her curiosity made her get there on time and order a cup of tea over coffee. He strolled in a minute later was shocked to find her reaching for a book. She didn't move as he settled in his seat then timely lifted her cup when he sank in his chair asking what he needed to see her about.

He ignored her question and asked her how she was doing. She smiled and reminded him of how fast she can pay for her tea and leave. He sighed and answered her unanswered question.

I called you... I wanted to before yesterday but... I never knew when exactly to do it... Not like I planned to call this morning... It's just that I had to... I mean I needed to. I... Sophie... I didn't... I mean to... I am sorry. I am so sorry. For everything. For leaving like the coward I am. For running when I should've stayed. For playing a part in your misery then. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. How was I supposed to tell my own mother that the reason we had not had a child for those five years she waited was my fault? That I am the one who had a low sperm count. Her only son? So yes I ran so they could blame you. So they could assume you were the one with a problem. Not their perfect son.

I know I have embraced my flaws two years late but my mother now knows I was and still am the problem. I can't cleanse what her tongue spread but I just need you to understand that I am sorry. Please if you ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would forever appreciate it', he added shamefully.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she reached for a serviette smiling.

I have waited to hear you say you are sorry for a while now and boy does it come at the right time. Worry not, my wounds found their balm. Also... What your mother's tongue spread will be silenced within the next few months completely by fate. I am happy to share I am with child.

She wanted to stay a while and enjoy watching the horror Martin was trying to hide but her fiancee Seth being the gentleman was there as agreed within 30 minutes.

Are you done my love? He asked Sophie protectively. She nodded. He helped her stand then cleared her book and purse with one hand as the other one held her tightly. Let's go', he whispered loudly making her giggle as she waved at Martin.

Martin broke down.

This piece was inspired by the ever amazing @mariannewest through the weekend single prompt.

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