Day 77: 5 Minute Freewrite/Story- The Steemian Home- The Library

This is a true story of my recent MRI experience and thoughts using Day 77: Freewrite Challenge by @mariannewest Prompt: If you have any thoughts, please let me know. The night before my MRI, I read "The Fish Song"and listened to the music which was written and composed by@simgirl that can be found here: @simgirl/the-steemians-home-the-fish-song-simgirl I encourage you to read it and listen for yourself. You will definitely have fun and it will also help you to understand my story. For those of you who don't know, The Steemian Home is where the freewriters live and I, @whatisnew have been written in as one of the characters. Of course, I am a cat. This is my addition to the home.


My name was called. It was my turn to be encapsulated. I was told to lie down on the cold, hard slab and was given a black blindfold to cover my eyes. Two men worked feverishly as they tied me down and placed something heavy over my body so I couldn't move. I was even hogtied. The slab began to move and I felt the dark, enclosure in seconds. There were hard loud knocks followed by the drill hammers; one next to each ear. Would they soon lower me down into a cement grave? I needed to concentrate on something other than the loud noises and my claustrophobia fear, so I tried to remember the long list of freewrite prompts that I had not done, but to no avail as my mind raced; unable to concentrate. I then found myself in The Steemian Home sitting in my favorite spot next to the fish tank, and played "The Fish Song" in my mind. It was written by the talented @simgirl, who was now happy because she just became a real Slim, whatever that may be. It probably has something to do with her "finned friends." It wasn't long before I had to turn the fish song off in my mind because my head began bopping to the beat of the drums. I was to lie still, no movement was allowed.

I turned to @snook who played the piano beautifully in my mind and her sweet, tender fairy voice lulled me for a short time. Her giggle was contagious and I began to chuckle. Once again, I remembered that no movement was allowed.

Then @deaconlee entered the room. I thought he was a Captain but I think he may be a General now. His presence was welcomed as he makes me smile just by thinking of him. @deaconlee's humor would soon be rolling off of his tongue. You can usually find @brisbee hanging out with General @deaconlee and I was upset with her because I thought she would have found a bot by now; one that instantly turned loud, obnoxious noises into birds happily chirping.

I wandered around like @wandernrose7, and ended up in the library of the Steemian Home. Thank goodness for that because I didn't want to end up in the 60 inches of snow like @wandernrose7 did. The walls were bare and they must be filled, I thought. That could easily be done as I thought of @wandernrose7's poetry that softly drifted me to places unknown. Her poetic words rhythmically flowed to the canvas along with one of her romantic scenes; a true work of art.

@f3nix came along and his unique touch. His colorful, descriptive words which are beyond the comprehension of the average Joe, painted a unique version of art that danced with a warm, Italian flare.

I, @whatisnew with my dapper top hat offered cat wisdom, as I knew exactly where to place these timeless works of art on the wall of the library. I stood firm and tall, and with my tail raised high, placed a scented marker where each was to hang. In the middle the famous sculpture of the Light Saber Toaster would sit, designed by @omra-sky, that would be lighting these works of art. This was also the best place to honor @omra-sky; the founder of The Old Steemian Home.

Finally, @mariannewest entered the room and I, @whatisnew ran up to greet her, rubbing against her legs, doing repetitive figure eights between her legs, desperate to get her attention. I begged her for a new prompt to keep my mind and brain from scrambling. The ever so sweet @mariannewest wanted to help me, but she couldn't. She clapped her hands and asked everyone to gather around as she had an important announcement to make. When @mariannewest speaks, everyone listens. "It has been brought to my attention that a new prompt is desperately needed; however, at 77 my mind is tired and needs a rest. (Day: 77). Our perky lives will cease without a prompt, so if you want to stay out of a comma, it is up to all of you to think of one. If you have an thoughts, please let me know. It will not only help @whatisnew, it will help all members of this zoo."

I would like to thank all of you who are mentioned above. You were the ones that made it possible for me to get through my MRI today. These were my actual thoughts at the time. I wrote this yesterday but was not able to post it until today.

Disclaimer: This is a combination 5 Minute Freewrite/Story and I couldn't possibly do it in just 5 minutes.

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