The Steemians Home- The Fish Song @simgirl

I wrote this song for @snook, because she needed a song for her Old Steemian Home videos. While I was writing the song, I was thinking of all the stories that have evolved from the freewrite prompt of #thesteemianhome on Steemit, and of how we have a chance to show different sides of the characters we are creating with this writing prompt.

I started off in this story as a sock puppet, so I am very relieved to know that I have evolved into a real Sim now. @snook has also taken the time, and devoted many brain cells to creating the visual effects of the house with the Sims 4 game, and has offered to provide us with pictures for our stories upon request.

Since she had already provided us with lots of photos of the house Here, I used a few that I needed to show the story, and then requested a few specialty shots to provide greater visual effects to the story along with the music, so I could tell you what really happened that night in the Steemians Home.


You can open the story in a different window, to listen along while you read.

Some folks in this house may find my fascination of fish to be quite “imaginary”, but I see them as the approachable, fine, finned friends who are there for me, any time I need them; or any time they appear in my mind.

But sometimes these fish have a hard time sleeping. I’m not sure why they are so restless. I feed them every morning, and I never tap on the glass. But they always have their eyes open, and they never go to sleep. They just swim in their tanks, swimming back and forth, and back and forth.

When I was at the back of the house at the DJ booth, I began playing around with the keyboard. I thought some light bells, and a little synthesizer would lure the fish to sleep. I could see my favorite fish, Starkey beginning to drift off to never, never land, but then I heard some drums coming from across the patio.


@deaconlee had brought his drum set out to the patio and was joining in with my melody. I thought, this may not put the fish to sleep but, a person could sure tap their foot to this beat. My fish Starkey began opening his eyes. The other fish began to shake their tail fins to the tempting beat of those drums.

Next, @F3nix started playing his synthesizer. I thought he sounded awesome, but, seriously this was not going to help my fish fall asleep. Instead of being annoyed, I smiled as I watched the lovely, colorful fish begin to swim to the left, then swim to the right. Big smiles lined their fishy lips.

@Brisby joined in with her bass, and the fish started choreographing dance moves in front of my eyes. They leaned together, pulled out some serious dance moves, and then twirled around in a circle. I could tell, the fish were really into the music, and I started to forget that I was attempting to play a lullaby. The fish were a sight to see.

It is too bad I was the only one who could see them.

But, no matter, because @snook arose from her chamber and stepped out into the moonlight patio; where there sat the grand piano. Her fairy wings fluttered as she gently placed her fingers over the keys. At first, she played as if she had never tried to create a tune. One finger on each key, gently and softly.


But after a few tries, her fingers began to dance across the ebony and ivory with boundless vigor; as if she had been programmed in a past life as a concert pianist. We played in the background, but she caught us all by surprise, and we stared at her in wonder, as her song was as beautiful as she.

With a crashing bang she stopped playing, and got up to dance with the fish, and @marinannewest; who had brought the entire group her freshly made hot-sauce margaritas.

@omara-sky pushed @f3nix aside so he could jazz up the synthesizer. @f3nix stood his ground, but he allowed @omara sky to get his groove on, regardless. Besides he was busy watching @snook, and @mariannewest dancing with the fish, so he wasn’t too concerned with the takeover of his musical equipment.


Little did we know, @whatisnew was ready to pounce on @omara-sky’s leg and he made sure to do it as a contribution to the song. Every time @omar-sky shook his leg to the beat, @whatisnew would bite his leg hard and he would let out a dreadful scream.

@omar-sky would kick him aside, but then @whatisnew would do it again, and then again. I felt bad, but I had to laugh because it went perfectly with the music. The fish laughed too.

So, did @whatisnew. In fact, he laughed so loud, and so hard, he about scared the fish!

They swam in circles, wondering if they were safe from @whatisnew, with his long whiskers, and his wagging tail. But to their relief, @whatisnew lost interest with the entire business, and curled up under the piano.

With the stress gone, the fish began to settle down.

Their eyes fell slowly at first, as they resisted the sleep, but the whole evening full of music and dancing, had pooped the poor fish out. If they ever looked like they were sleeping it was now; and they weren’t dead, because I checked.

And that’s what really happened in the Old Steemian Home the night I wrote the Fish Song.

Thanks to the cast and the inspiration of the Old Steemian Home freewrite prompt!!!


All photos by @snook used with permission! :D

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The Old Steemian's Home Fish Music

Simgirlbanner Made by @son-of-satire








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