Day 218: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: Travel

Day 12 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest!


This is my entry for the Day 12 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 81.419 SBD, hosted by @freewritehouse.

You can also find today’s freewrite prompt here: Day 218: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: travel, hosted by @mariannewest.

The Task

She had traveled to Rome, Paris and Milan. She had learned the art of the assassin; learned to cut a man open from top to bottom with a sword.

She climbed the mountains and reached peaks most humans never dreamed. She’s practiced the dark art of seduction, and traded secrets for wealth.

In her youth she had made millions of dollars outsmarting corporate mafias and risked her life to save a treasured art piece.

She once walked across a tight rope from the top of a forty-story building and shot spies behind enemy lines. She’d dodged bullets, saved victims and gave mercy to the weak.

But as she stood there looking at the task in front of her, the years of training vanished from her memory.

It was as if she had never walked outside her apartment before or seen the dark cruelness of the world.

But she knew if she could learn to change this diaper, she could say she she’s done it all.


Thanks for reading!

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Thanks to @snook for this super cool gif!

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