Poetry Digest - Second Edition


Poetry Digest - Second Edition

Welcome back to the freewrite Poetry Digest brought to you by @wandrnrose7 . Thank you freewriters for your excellent contributions! We are inspired and impressed by your talent and insight.

Please continue to share your freewrite poetry with the #freewritepoetrydigest tag. Check in regularly for our next Freewrite Poetry Digest!

Here are some of our favorite selections.

Click on the picture to read the full post.

The first and beautiful poetic impression of red wine by @eaglespirit.

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A lovely oceanic poem on dolphins so well executed by @raj808!

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Concise and meaningful @f3nix takes the mundane into a new realm.

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A very insightful poem about the value of coins in society by @zingali

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@bennettalia on a deep understanding of vandals

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I hope you enjoyed these poems. If the poem is past payout, please find a recent post to share a vote and comment to support these lovely poets!

This week we would also love to see your freewrite poem using the word freedom or free* in honor of @mariannewest and our growing community built on the principle of freedom in creativity.

You may add the word you select to a daily 5 minute prompt, or write your poem with just this prompt. Please tag us with #freewritepoetrydigest so it can be tracked and include Free or Freedom in the title.

Happy poetic writing!

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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