Sorrel Salad And Soup for FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION and Veganwednesday

This is another strange green vegetable many of you haven't heard of I bet :) My grandmother and my mother used to make sorrel soup and I loved it. Unfortunately this is a plant you don't find easily. I haven't seen it for a long time and last week, when I was at the local market, I heard an old lady mentioning it. It turned out she had some very fresh sorrels for sale. I bought some for a soup. This is my first sorrel soup, I've never made one myself before. But before I'll show you, lets talk about sorrel first and its many health benefits.


Sorrel (Rumex acetosa), sóska in Hungarian, Măcriș in Romanian, szczaw zwyczajny in Polish, erba brusca in Italian.

Sorrel is rich in vitamin C and also contains vitamin A, vitamin B-6, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, polyphenolic acids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins.

You can eat it raw in salads or cooked as soup or pottage. It's a bit sour which is excellent (in my humble opinion). I came home from the market, washed the sorrels and ate a handful of leaves just like that. It was a good feeling.

Sorrel is known to be improving the condition of diabetics and boosting heart health in general, treats skin conditions, regulates blood pressure, improves eyesight, boosts immunity, prevents cancer, aids in digestion. Due to the significant levels of iron sorrel boost the red blood cell production and prevent anemia. Increased circulation boosts oxygen levels throughout the body in the vital organs, boosts hair growth, increases energy levels, and speeds up the healing process.

This is my first sorrel salad but not the last, that's for sure.


Just grab whatever vegetable you can find, clean and slice them. Add some extra virgin olive oil and make sure you don't add any vinegar because the sorrel is sour!!!. I rarely use salt in salads but you can add some if you like.

Now let's see the soup. It's similar to salad soup, but this contains rise. Clean the sorrel, cut it but make sure you don't use a metal object. Add it to boiling water, add some salt, the cooked rise and let it cook for 15 - 20 minutes. When it's ready, add some plant based milk and it's ready to serve. You have a nice and healthy soup!


Now I have a request. Those who are vegetarians and foragers, please tell me if you know this plant and what dish are you usually making with sorrel.

This is my entry to STEEMIT FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION hosted by our dear friend @lenasveganliving.

And also to Veganwednesday Challenge run by @heart-to-heart.

I'm also supporting The Make It Healthy Project, run by our dear friend @woman-onthe-wing. Read the latest edition here: The Make It Healthy Project, read the latest issue here Make It Healthy MAGAZINE: Issue #6.

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