Fruits to the Rescue! Mission: To Get You FEELING YOUR BEST! πŸ‡πŸ‰πŸŠ

Did you know that fruit can be the best defender of your body? Check out how this fruit platter can help save your body from intruders!

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Disclaimer, I originally made this post for #fruitsandveggiesmonday not knowing that @chetanpadliya had put the #colorfulfruitplatter challenge together! When I found out about it, I had to enter this beautiful plate of colors, it was calling out to me to share my local veggies with the world of Steemit! It's my dream to create a network of plant-based, vegans on here and I love that these challenges are interacting with each other this week!

Original Post:

There is a lady who owns a fruit stand 5 minutes from my house. She gets deliveries from the local farmers every day and sells them fresh out of wooden crates on the side of the road. These are my pre-workouts- forget supplements and powders- this is nature's best!

If you know me, you know I am a HUGE fan of tasting the rainbow, I believe that there are many healing properties that come from the different colors associated with the chakra system which is a 7 point energetic system within your body correlated to the colors of the rainbow - one for each point.


Nutritional Benefits on My Plate :

'Red" Dragon fruit:

  • This one is a 'red' dragon fruit even though to me it looks purpley-pink! It's texture is like a kiwi and it's little black seeds are great for digestion along with their high amounts of fiber!
  • Packed full of vitamin C, antioxidants (boosting your immune system!)
  • Antifungal and antibacterial properties that flush toxins away!
  • Beautiful vibrant color!

Yellow Starfruit

  • Lots of dietary fiber, giving your colon a good brush out!
  • Vitamin C, antioxidants (fending off free radicals in the body!)
  • Natural B- Complex vitamin! It's got a great makeup of B vitamins in it naturally, throw away the supplement!
  • Star fruit is said to help get rid of coughs in natural medicine- give it a try!

Pink Guava

  • Guavas purportedly have even more Vitamin C than oranges! Up to 4x as much actually!
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants (get rid of all that nasty stuff in your body!)
  • Low glycaemic
  • Large amounts of dietary fiber
  • Their seeds are hard inside, but you can swallow them- they're great for digestion!
  • Magnesium helps relax your muscles! Perfect for after a workout as well!

Pink Shell, White Flesh, Ramutan

  • Similar to lychee in texture and flavor! *Peel the skin away and eat the center, watching out for the pit!)
  • High fiber content
  • Antioxidants, antibacterial (alternative medicine says they can be used against parasites within the body so imagine what else they can banish!)

Yellow Finger Bananas

  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Natural energy booster!
  • Regulates blood sugars, keeping the body functioning efficiently!

Yellow Passion fruit

  • Immunity booster due to the Vitamin C and antioxidants in here!
  • Rich in Vitamin A which is strongly related to eye health
  • Dietary fiber, helping with digestion
  • Potassium
  • Iron and copper which help improve circulation

Orange Papaya

  • Great for skin!
  • Antioxidants (can destroy harmful bacteria)
  • High in carotenoids which help reduce inflammation in the body


Here's how it works:

Pretend your body is a street.

Right now, your street is probably being infiltrated by (let's call them gangs.) Big groups of members that are hanging around, wreaking havoc, breaking things and causing a mess- littering, pouring random liquids on the ground, leaving cigarette butts around.

Well, we don't want that so let's bring in the cops (antioxidants to clean up the streets and get those hooligans outta there!

Basically we are sending in a special ops mission to clear the place out!

When these high fiber, antioxidant-filled fruits go into the body, they run through and collect everything that shouldn't be there. They grab up the gangs hanging out, causing trouble, up to no good and they push them out!

Of course it takes time maybe the trouble makers will swing back around and try to start something up again or maybe some of them were hiding and came right back out after the police force finished up so this is a one of those things that needs to happen regularly.

Send in your team to clear things up constantly so your streets don't get overrun!

Got it?

When the body eliminates these toxins and shady characters you'll feel so much better! That's where I get the boost for my workout!

I hope you give some fruit warriors a try!


This was my post for #fruitsandveggiesmonday you can see the contest here initiated by the beautiful soul @lenasveganliving! It also intersected with @chetanpadliya's #colorfulfruitplatter challenge! What amazing vegan/plant based initiatives running wild around here! Thanks to both hosts for the wonderful opportunity to share!

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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!
Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! πŸ’–

Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!

While you're here, check out some of my recent passion-filled posts and recipes!

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