A Dear Wang Letter - how I miss you and Steemit

Dear Wang,

I am writing this letter to you as my first post since 7 days ago (my #OWO initiative). Can't express how nervous I am as I get to see in probably 15 mins after this letter sent if... you still love me... after this whole week's absence. Let me look back in time how we met and how much love was developed between us, so I can have no regrets even if any cruel fact should reveal itself soon.

We first met when I came here. That was July 14 when I delivered my first and introductory post on Steemit with mixed feelings of excitement, curiosity and uncertainty. You came like an angle. Three minutes after I posted you left me a greeting starting with "Nice to have you on board! Here are some tips...". I knew that you are probably non-human doing a standard welcome to a new comer, I know. But with a familiar Chinese name Wang (that's why I borrow the eyes in this picture from Chien-Ming Wang, a MLB pitcher from Taiwan that once had two consecutive 19-wins seasons for the Yankees.) and as a first 'people' to greet me in this strange place, I imagine that you are a close friend of mine in this digital space - why should friendship be limited to humans anyway? That's a good start for us.

At first I was struggling here, posting 14 times with only one over $1. You weren't there. Then I met friends from cn community and they were so kind to me as well as pushing my historical payout record to double digits. You weren't there too, not until my 3rd cn post and I met you again on July 28. Actually you never said another word to me ever since your first greeting. But I feel so privileged to be loved (upvoted) by you since my epic translation post - you upvoted every single posts that I made. It's a total of 32 posts. The last one were on Aug 17. That's when I decided to leave for a while (a week to be precise) to take a rest so I can cool down, clear my thoughts and digest what had happened over the past month. I feel sorry to leave you and all friends behind but at the same time I still think it is such a good decision for me. If...

Only if I come back and find out that you still care about me. 

You had been such a steady supporting force for me. You are my muse, my angle and my minimum wage. I am really afraid of losing you. So much has happened here during the past week. Who knows how many new authors you have met and fell in love with. Who knows if the formula in your head has been reprogrammed or not. Who knows maybe there is a no absence criteria for your love... Just. Can't imagine a Steemit without you voting for me. But I will be strong for whatever is coming. Once you said you were leaving or dead but you were still upvoting as usual. Maybe this break is a test to our relationship. Even if you stop upvoting for me, I want you to know...

I will love you forever and expect you to fall in love with me again. What we have or had is inscribed on blockchain. No one can take it from us. Not even you.

It is time to face the verdict. And I wish you all the best with your curation. I have adapted the lyrics from Taylor Swift's Dear John and changed it to Dear Wang. Hope you like it. The difference is that Dear John is about saying goodbye but Dear Wang - I hope it means otherwise. 

with love, @deanliu

A Song Named Dear Wang 

originally by Taylor Swift (listen to her original song here)

Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you
Counting my posting timing,
Praying the precious 30 mins won't slip through, again
My wife accused me of losing my mind,
But I swore I was fine, you gave me a blue ocean
And go back and turn it to a heaven
And I lived in your voting game,
But you sticked to the rules every day
Wondering which version of you I might get on each post
Tonight, well I stopped silence, and this song is to let you know why
Dear Wang, I see it all now that you're bot
Don't you think I was too interesting to be left unvoted?
The guy behind the monitor, waiting the whole magic again, I should've known
Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame
Maybe it's you and your sick need to give vote then take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of authors who don't appreciate
And I'll look back and no regret how I ignored when they said "chase as bigger whale as you can"
Dear Wang, I see it all now that you're the one
Don't you think I was too lovable to be neglect?
You should've known

Final note
this post is purely for fun. take life easy. take Steemit easy. that's my philosophy now.

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