Hello lovely readers!
The first episode of this my little project was written a week ago and I can tell you that it has been a great success: @fundition staff appreciated my idea and I am proud of that.
I am very happy and for the majority of Fundition members, it was a surprise. At the same time I want to thank all the Ambassadors who helped and will help me with their opinions about fundition.io.
This is the aim of Fundition Polyglot!!!
It is a simple question that everybody can answer:
What do you think about Fundition?
I started from Fundition Ambassadors, but I think that everybody could leave his/her opinion here, in a comment, and I will add that in my next episode. REMEMBER : Fundition does not need only positive opinions (they are always nice!), but comments where it is possible to read suggestions and criticisms are always important to make better.
We need to spread the goals and the projects which are born in this platform and also Steem Blockchain, because we have to remember that the most important parts here are the people.
So this second episode speaks
Hindi, Spanish and Japanese.
Spanish Ambassador: @leotrap
Country: Uruguay
[ESP] Spanish:Fundition es una forma diferente de ver la Blockchain de Steem y sus posibilidades para poder hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. No se trata solo de recolectar fondos, se trata acerca de compartir una visión acerca de cómo hacerlo con personas que tienen un sentimiento en común con respecto a un cambio que puede ser posible. Ahora tenemos la chance de poder usar una plataforma disruptiva como lo es Steem para hacer posibles todos esos cambios.
El equipo de Fundition es simplemente increíble, tuve la dicha de conocerlos cara a cara y compartir varios días de trabajo y diversión en Polonia durante la SF3 y de forma totalmente natural parecía que nos conociéramos desde siempre. No existen barreras de lenguaje ni culturales. Lo que nos une es esa forma de ver el mundo y saber que la oportunidad de cambiarlo está en nuestras manos.
Acerca de los proyectos para ejemplificar los que se puede hacer no quisiera centrarme solo en alguno específico, porque todo el mundo está trabajando duro para lograr su propio proyecto y cada uno es un mundo en sí mismo. Lo que sí me gustaría es que pudieras verlo por vos mismo en https://fundition.io/#!/explore y vas a ver el porque no es tan fácil elegir uno, ya que la mayoría de ellos son simplemente espectaculares.
[ENG]Fundition is just a different way to see the Steem Blockchain and the possibilities that it has to make a better world. It’s not just about raising Funds for a cause is about having the same view and share with a lot of different people the same feeling about the change. Now we are using a disruptive platforms based on Steem to make possible all the changes that we want and it’s totally possible. The Fundition team is just awesome, I had the chance to know them face to face and share some days of work and joy together in Polland at SF and it seems that we knew each other since ever. Not language nor cultural barriers in the middle. What joint us was the way of seeing the world and knowing that the chance to change that is in our hands. About the best projects you can find as an example by your own. I just don’t want to name a specific one cause everybody is working hard and each project is unique, I want to invite you to see it by yourself at https://fundition.io/#!/explore and you will see that it’s not easy at all to select a specific one, because the majority of them are just awesome.
Hindi Ambassador: @jznsamuel
Country: India
[IND]फंडिशन (Fundition) स्टीम ब्लॉकचेन द्वारा संचालित महान ऐप्स में से एक है, और मुझे यह देख के बहुत अच्छा लगता है कि यह दुनिया भर से इतनी अनूठी और योग्य परियोजनाओं को कैसे सशक्त बना रहा है। मुझे क्राउडफंडिंग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पसंद हैं क्योंकि मुझे लगता है कि वे लोगों को धन इकट्ठा करने और आपात स्थिति और असहाय परिस्थितियों के दौरान सहायता प्राप्त करने के लिए एक आसान और सुलभ तरीका प्रदान करते हैं। और फंडिशन (Fundition) की वास्तविक सफलता को हम उनके मंच पर अद्भुत प्रकार के परियोजनाओं की विविधता को देखकर माप सकते है, जिन्हें वर्तमान वे समर्थित कर रह ह। मर लए एक पसदद परयजन चनन मशकल हग कयक बहत सर ह, लकन मझ वभनन परयजनओ क सभ अपडट क गयन रखन अचछ लगत ह और यह दखकर अचछ लगत ह क उनह फडशन (Fundition) क मदद स बड परगत ह रह ह। फडशन (Fundition) पहल स ह बलकचन पर करउडफडग मधयम प करतकर बदलव कर रह ह, और इस महन डप क बढव दन और समरथन करन म मझ बहत अचछ लगत ह। मझ यकन ह क आन वल दन म यह बड सफलत परपत करग!
[ENG]Fundition is one of the great apps powered by the steem blockchain, and I love seeing how it is empowering so many unique and deserving projects from across the globe. I love crowdfunding platforms as I feel they provide an easy and accessible way for people to collect funds and receive help in case of emergencies and helpless circumstances. And the true success of Fundition can be measured by the variety of amazing projects that are currently being supported on its platform. It would be tough for me to pick a favorite project as there are so many, but I like following all the updates of the various projects and it is good to see them make great progress with the help of Fundition. Fundition is already revolutionizing crowdfunding on the blockchain, and it feels great to promote and support this great dapp. I'm sure it will achieve greater things in days to come!
Japanese Ambassador: @sho-t
Country: Japan
[JAP]Funditionは人々の心からの声を育てるプラットフォームだと思っています。 手数料がかからず、「心のままに」価値を動かすことができるのです。 それはお金を "稼ぐ" 世界に縛られない、新しい共感経済です。
[ENG]I think Fundition is a platform for raising voices from the hearts of people. We can move value "as our hearts" because there is no fee thanks to the mechanism of the STEEM blockchain. That creates a new "Economy of Feelings" that is NOT tied to the world that "earns money".
For example, we post daily activities and ideas freely on the STEEM blockchain. Then win the STEEM tokens.
In addition, next time, using the acquired tokens to nurture the sympathetic project on Fundition with founders.
In this way, we can act and sympathize as we think, and create a society to be together.
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