Fundraising Update! I Was Left Speechless.

As many of you noticed, last year my family managed to get a number of donations out from the funds raised via dedicated posts.

Well, the other day I put up a post announcing that this year we shall be doing the same thing, but this time using Dtube vlogging posts too!

Well, earlier on today as I was speaking on Skype with my better half our daughters had something to say to me in reference to Steemit.

For those of you who are not familiar with how things work in our family as far as the children posting on Steemit, we haven't given them accounts of their own, but rather when they have something that they want posted, they write down what they want, make sure that there are photos and then their mum helps them. After which I "proof read it" for the English and it gets posted.

All the funds go to our family account and that is that.

Well, our daughters told me how they spoke with mum and asked her if their posts about TAEKWONDO can be part of the charity fundraising posts that we have on Steemit.


Didn't know what to say for a full few seconds or maybe more, IDK.

I explained it all to them, that the funds can't go to them and that it has to go towards charity, helping those who help the needy. To which they said, "Yes we know" and they asked me one question, "Can they choose what to buy for the children that we are going to give the donation too?"

My answer was without any doubt, "SURE", but then after they went to bed, I asked Sylvia if she had anything to do with it?
She said no. That they came to her with the idea and that she was just as surprised.

So with a lot of pride, I have to announce that all the posts on @sylviamiller 's wall, that you see about TAEKWONDO training are going to be added to the fundraising pool.

Not only my Dtube vlogging posts and my occasional "Goodnight Posts" but also the posts that my children ask their mum to post for them.

To date:

Australian Tae Kwon Do group. Video 1.

Australian Tae Kwon Do group. Video 2.

Australian Tae Kwon Do group. Video 3.

Australian Tae Kwon Do group. Video 4.

IDK what to say.

I will make it up to them, just need to figure out how.

Apart from proud, right now I am still all "warm and fuzzy" inside, don't even know what to add to this post. Someone could probably write an essay about this. Me, no, I'm lost for words.

So there is the second update to our fundraising efforts for this year.

First update/announcement was made the other day:

@JACKMILLER Fundraising Update/Announcement! New Year = New Fundraising Effort!

Hope it makes you smile too, because tonight I am going to bed a very proud, content and happy dad.

I forgot to state that all funds from this post are allocated to the fundraising efforts too.

Yours truly


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