An unboxing like you have never seen before. PART II + an introduction

I guarantee you have not seen an unboxing like this before.

It is even different from my first ever unboxing post here: @goldmatters/an-unboxing-like-you-have-never-seen-before

So lets get started!

Every unboxing post must start like this. It’s in the unboxing post rule book. The outside of the boring brown box must be shown.


Random incremental progress must come next. This builds massive tension and keeps readers in huge suspense.


Make sure to do some superficial unboxing to extend the length of the post.


Add another obscured photo that doesnt really show anything important.


Give away a slightly clearly hint as to what the box contains.


One final teaser post should do before the final reveal....


Make sure not to make your audience wait TOO long before the big payoff!


Introducing Goldmatters Jr. everyone!

Goldmatters Jr. will be making some appearances in some upcoming posts.

His mission is identical to mine. To raise awareness about Goldmoney, a company that allows gold to be democratized to everyone.

Goldmatters Jr. will help me continue to carry on my mission by teaching you about Goldmoney and trying to entertain you will doing it!

Gold continues to be an anchor and an important part of every portfolio. As a wise man once said “You don’t buy gold to make you rich, you buy gold so you don’t go poor.”

Thanks for reading everyone, and please give Goldmatters Jr. a warm welcome to Steemit!!


To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Mene 24k investment jewelry here:!

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more about Goldmoney:















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