This is how I feel when people say "Beautiful Pictures" in a reply to my post when they clearly haven't read it.

Have you ever made a nice long blog post and received a reply that said beautiful pictures?

Maybe you wrote a movie review and you sourced your picture from IMDb.

Perhaps you wrote a review of the latest flavored bag of Oreos and you took a picture at the grocery store.

When you look through the replies inevitably one will just say....

Beautiful Pictures.

Just yesterday my friend @marxrab reviewed a bag of chips at her local grocery store and she got a reply saying "Beautiful pictures. I wish I was there."

Check her post out here.

I wrote a post yesterday as well in which I reviewed the 80s movie called The Wraith.

The only picture in that entire review was the sourced image from

Yet I got a comment stating what beautiful photography I used.

So here is how I feel when people say beautiful pictures in a reply when they clearly haven't read the post.

Original Source:

I can definitely understand wanting to get your name out there and posting in as many threads as possible.

However, if you are not willing to take the time to actually read the post then how can you possibly expect to get an upvote from the poster?

That is saying....

"I'm not willing to take the time to read what you wrote. However, I want to post something so that you can pay me for nothing."

There are several new and annoying methods I'm seeing newer posters using to get votes, but I think beautiful pictures is my least favorite one right now.

Of course there's a new one I found out about today that I'm really liking as well.


One of my replies said "upvote @jeezzle" .

Of course I assumed it meant that they upvoted me.

Checking the votes I noticed that they actually didn't upvote me and I had to come to the conclusion that instead of telling me they were upvoting me they were in fact asking me for an upvote.

Asking me for an upvote without first upvoting me and without even looking like they had read the thread or given any attention to any work I had done.

Granted that post wasn't my best work but still........ it's the effort that counts.

You make an effort......... you get a reward.

You don't make an effort........... how can you expect to ask me for a reward?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and found it funny.

Follow me @jeezzle

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