Was She So Clever ? 27/12/2017

Hello Steemian hope you had a great boxing day I spent most of mine at work to which I was not happy about all the management seemed to be on high work mode, I guess this was because of the so called (special) Boxing day sales going on but honestly these deals arent so special at all, the Black Friday deals were just as awful and I rather spend time with my family.


Speaking of special sales one lady really made my day to which I couldn't help but share with many people it made them chuckle also.

So before going to work I was watching the news and they was asking various shopping centres and sales managers if they thought opening up early for boxing day was successful for their business or was it not worth it?


Well from ritually all the shopping centres and managers they all said it was a extremely successful opening and now its a must (key day) for sales, honestly I would of thought most people wouldn't have so much spare cash after all the presents and Christmas food.
Not to mention new years night is right around the corner.

Anyway so after the interviews with the shopping centre heads and the store sales managers the news team started interviewing the public on this matter.

One clever woman truly was above the rest of us.


So the news interviewer asked this woman if she was one of those who would get up extra early for getting her hands on some sales.
The woman said yes that she had got up extra early and was outside the shops waiting.

The news interviewer then asked how long was she out there for?

The woman said 2 hours before the opening.

The news interviewer sounding surprised asked if she was not freezing waiting 2 hours in the cold?

The woman says: no
And continues to say: well that is how I am more clever then everybody else, you see there is a coffee shop near here just down the road so instead I went in there brought myself a hot coffee and sat in there waiting until it opened in the warmth....



For those of you who didn't pick up on what as happened here let me explain this woman got up 3 maybe even 4 hours extra early to queue up to get a bargain sale, she was at the spot 2 hours before the store opened but instead of holding her spot when she arrives she loses her spot by going into a coffee shop and sits in there for 2 hours (down the road) until it opens, in other words this woman as just completely wasted 3 or 4 hours of her time and claimed she is smarter then everybody else, LOL WHAT!

I love how the news reported thought about it and said: But didn't you just lose your spot walking into the coffee shop?
The women: Haha well err I was not the first one in store yes.
End of report



I told colleagues at work about this and they thought it was hilarious some caught it also and said they realised the same thing.

Haha I guess in her head the customer is always right!





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