City Of Acre Rich District Assassin 22/12/2017

Hello Steemian so in our last gaming session with Assassins Creed 1 we adventured into the city of Acre the rich district explored the nearby Cathedral and made it to the very top which was insane and then we took an epic leap of faith dive.

All Image and GIF Sources Assassins Creed 1 game / Taken By @simonjay

in the Rich district of Acre we looked around near the castle where we found the remaining flags this was probably one of the easiest areas to find all the flags, there is also a eagle point inside the castle which I believe is at the high tower located right at the back, its something I will do soon before going after the main mark.

Later we pickpocketed a guy for more information he was inside a small fort courtyard guarded by a few men but we found a way to the top and spotted our target.
After making our way down to him when nobody was playing attention in the courtyard we stole the information needed.

With that done our next target was a preacher in the rich district of Acre by the grand Cathedral.
We walked around the huge Cathedral up and down the stairs on the many pathways that surround the site searching for anybody preaching anything on William.

Eventually we heard one guy guarded by 2 men who seemed to be talking about our next main target surely this man could give us the very important information on when to strike our mark.

After hes talk we tailed him but our hopes of him turning into a alleyway or quiet street where we could interrogate him were running slim.
We was still very close to the gran Cathedral and I was very aware of the guards nearby who protect the Cathedral.
I was very reluctant to press the guy for any information but I had to make this one fast not only was I running out of time before he would disappear for good or gets inside a safe zone so if I didn't make it very quick it would attract too much commotion in the crowd and I would get swamped by guards in no time.

Like most of these guys I knew he would want to put up a fight before telling me what it was he knew so I had to be super quick in knocking him some fast hard punches this was to mostly show him he had no chance in beating me unless he would talk, the other reason was so he wouldn't have the opportunity to call for help, luckily this worked and he told me the information I needed but with no other options he had to be killed on the spot to prevent the risk of any information getting to our main target.
Killing him we very quickly disappeared before any body understood what had happened.

It didn't take long for the murder scene to be discovered which was no surprise seeing as there was no other options but to attack so close to the Cathedral.
But while the guards and the people were busy I had a meeting with 2 other informers, one was near the Castle this informer lost hes trust in me after the news of the incident but said he would comply if I could gather enough enemy flags within hes time limit.
I didn't look forward to doing it because of the previous tested one was pretty crazy but this task was actually easy with alot of time remaining.
Pleased with my collection of flags he gave me the information I needed.

All Image and GIF Sources Assassins Creed 1 game / Taken By @simonjay

I agreed with the last informer to meet by the fountain but he was nowhere in sight I was worried the guards had caught up with him but none of them seemed fazed they seemed to be searching instead.
While spying on the guards it didn't take me long to notice my informer was in the area just hiding behind some barrels and crates.
I had to get to to him before the guards would find him so snug around to the crates and barrels almost giving my informer the biggest scare of hes life the poor guy thought it was one of the royal guards he told me that they had been tailing him for hours making it very difficulty for our meeting location.

He informed me they knew hes face and that if I didn't kill 2 of the guards hunting him down he would be dead soon after giving me the information that he is now being hunted for.
So of course he asked me of this task in exchange for the information and of course I felt bad for him so I complied.

The two hunters were not difficult to dispose and the grateful informant told me what I think will be the last piece of information needed for my next main target.


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