3 Times You Should Never Post On Social Media, Especially If It Is On A Blockchain

Oh social media. A place where everyone can see your thoughts and photos. So why not post something stupid :p. Hopefully we all know to be discerning when it comes to what we put online, especially when it comes to our personal profiles. If it is a selfie, or a post about your day, think about it before you post it. If it is not something you want everyone to see, or come back to bite you in the ass later, do not hit the submit button (and if there is something online that you don't want up that you already posted, it sucks, but you'll live it down, we all had made mistakes). This is more true on a blockchain where everything is immutable. To help you avoid the pitfalls of posting something that makes you look bad, here are 3 times you should stay off social media.

When You Are Drunk

I fucjinh lve you Sarahh. Yeah, just like most things in life, you should not do it when you are drunk. It is the same as your texts when you read a drunk message in the morning, it is not pretty. None of us are as articulate as we think we are when we are drunk and it is no better when it is typed out. If you do this, be prepared to write some sorry posts the next day.

When You Break Up With Someone

I fucking hate you Sarah. Nobody is their self when they are going through a break-up. No one. Maybe they are angry that they are being left and are ready with a barrage of insults. Or are desperate and are willing to do or say anything to get the person back. When you are going through a bad break-up you can be an emotional mess and although it is normal, it is not pretty. No one wants to see you, at your worse, writing PLEASE TAKE ME BACK!!!!!! at 3 in the morning.

When You Are Upset, About Anything

Can you believe what Sarah did? If you had a shit day and need to get it out (which is healthy) bitch to a friend, scream in a pillow or right it down in a journal and burn the pages. Even type it out and delete it after. But don't write how much of a moron your boss is and then hit the submit button for everyone to see. The last you thing you need is to have insults in writing. Oh you want a raise, I don't think this moron knows how to do it :p.

Any other times you want to add, let me know in the comments.


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer: @whatageek/my-steemit-account-where-i-stand-on-bots-self-votes-and-multiple-account

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