Who Wants To Build A Time Travel Machine With Me And Go Back In Time To Buy Bitcoin When The Price Was Pennies - Crowdsource Project

So it hit me, if bitcoin is worth so much now and it was only worth pennies in the past, why don't we just build a time machine and buy some. Simple. Why haven't I thought of this before. I am looking for a team who wants to work with me to go back in time and buy about $10,000 of bitcoin and then sell it on today's market (well the price is down today, so maybe yesterday's market, we do have a time machine.) We will split the money evenly and buy steem with it and I promise not to travel to the time before I wrote this post and delete it so I do not have to share the profits.

This is who we will need. Everyone knows you can only time travel with up to three people at a time. So we will need one who can access funds and an internet connection without causing too much of a stir or running into their selves from the past. YOU DO NOT WANT TO RUN INTO YOUR SELF FROM THE PAST. You cannot bring anything back or forth through time, so we will need an online wallet for the bitcoin. As we cannot bring anything with us when we go back we will also need some one with a photographic memory to remember the password and account. Also our clothes will shred in the time machine, so looking good naked is a plus but not a necessity. Besides the people traveling we will need someone who can act as us when we are away so not to raise suspicion that we are gone and someone who can post about our mission. I think that is it...

Oh yeah, and someone who knows how to build a time machine, but that shouldn't be too hard to find.

If you are interested please let me know. You can also send me steem if you want to help fund the project. And if you generally believe that money will go to time travel, then maybe I am better off with the steem anyway :p.

Who is in!


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer: @whatageek/my-steemit-account-where-i-stand-on-bots-self-votes-and-multiple-account

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